CHRISTOPHER DYE Is wealth good for your health?
CHRISTOPHER DYE Is wealth good for your health?
CHRISTOPHER DYE Is wealth good for your health?
CHRISTOPHER DYE Is wealth good for your health?
CHRISTOPHER DYE Is wealth good for your health?
CHRISTOPHER DYE Is wealth good for your health?
CHRISTOPHER DYE £$¥ Is wealth good for your health? Technology Environment Employment Education
Revolutions in England since 1500: industrial, health, economic Life expectancy at birth (yr) GDP/capita (1990 I$)
The Preston curve (1975) Samuel H Preston University of Pennsylvania
The Millennium Preston Curve Source: Deaton, 2006
HANS ROSLING Karolinska Institut, Stockholm GAPMINDER FOUNDATION "Bring me my sword!"
"The grievous truth is that… the bottom billion will not—and cannot—be freed from poverty in our lifetimes."
Wealth is good for health?
"Wealthier is healthier" Pritchett & Summers countries with GDP/capita <$6000, % increase in income 1% reduction in infant mortality Africa: +1.5% growth in 1980s saves 0.5m lives in 1990
Health is good for wealth?
WHO Commission on Macroeconomics and Health
One third economic growth from "demographic gift" Share population of working age East Asia Sub-Saharan Africa "Demographic dividends" and "economic miracles" From health to wealth? education economics governance public health family planning
Ireland, the Celtic tiger …growing workforce Working/non-working population Ireland UK Asia Falling fertility Children/woman Ireland UK
And the Irish get wealthier Growth GDP/capita (%/yr)
HIV/AIDS cuts the productivity of tea pickers in Kenya
"To your health" More than a toast to economists D Malakoff (Science 2000) Price tag on productivity in USA, A year of life gained for year-olds worth: Men $170,000 Women $120,000
Fiscal health: saving for retirement
Wealth is bad for health?
USA: wealthier but not healthier GDP #7 Life expectancy # Number uninsured (m) Percent uninsured
Health in a sweeter world poorest 1234richest 5 GDP/person -- country groups Kcal sugar/person/day Health in a sweeter world
Falling wealth, failing health?
Cycles: virtuous vicious wealth health sickness poverty
One million “excess” deaths in developing world since 1980 due to contractions in economies Infant mortality
One million “excess” deaths in developing world since 1980 due to contractions in economies Children die when GDP falls Relative risks higher for vulnerable children born: To low-education mothers +68% Young/old mothers +23% In rural areas+72% If boys+11%
Wealth is mostly good for health, but… Microeconomics Money buys health, and 1 o health is cheap Money buys health directly (medicines) and indirectly (education for prevention and cure) Health underpins prosperity -- individual, family, business Macroeconomics Health is linked to wealth across countries and generations… The cause? Social? Cultural? Educational? Technological? All? A minimum set? Buying health Microeconomic argument often enough?