Top 5 As a group discuss and write down what you top 5 tips would be for someone about to sit a Paper 2 History exam paper.


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Presentation transcript:

Top 5 As a group discuss and write down what you top 5 tips would be for someone about to sit a Paper 2 History exam paper

L.O. To learn how to answer ‘Are you surprised’ questions.

This is the best question to use cross- referencing. Think about it – if the source that the question is about is saying one thing – and there is a source on the paper saying the opposite – USE IT!

Are you surprised by what this source tells us about the Black Death? Many people thought that to get rid of the plague it was necessary to break up the air. Various ways of doing this were tried. Church bells were rung and muskets fired. It was also thought that speckled spiders, lizards and toads would purify the polluted air and absorb the poison which had been brought in by the plague. An historians account of the attempts to stop people catching the Black Death. It was written in Source A

Level 2: Surface detail of the source. Yes I am surprised - why would they fire muskets? Level 3: Surprise linked to your knowledge or other sources. I am surprised – other sources show that people thought it was sent by God. Level 4: Surprise or lack supported by your own knowledge AND cross reference. I am not surprised as I know that they thought the plague was caused by miasmas (link to a source). On the other hand – it does surprise me as source B shows me they also believed God caused the plague ….

Level 5: Surprise AND lack, supported by own knowledge AND cross reference. I am not surprised as I know that they thought the plague was caused by miasmas, I can see that C shows a man trying to clear the air too. On the other hand – it does surprise me as source B shows me they also believed God caused the plague and I know that this was a common belief.

Are you surprised by what this source tells you about medieval public health? Source X: A plan of the design of the water system on Canterbury Cathedral, drawn by the engineer who designed it in Water Tower Toilets Water Pipes Are you surprised by what this source

Level 2: Surface detail of the source. Yes I am surprised - I did not know they had a water system. Level 3: Surprise linked to your knowledge or other sources. I am surprised – other sources show that people did not know that medieval people had clean water systems. Source Y shows that they had terrible public health systems. Level 4: Surprise or lack supported by your own knowledge AND cross reference. I am not surprised as I know that they had a good water system as I know that monasteries were healthier places to live. Source Y shows that the monks were much healthier as they had better ways of cleaning and cooking.

Level 5: Surprise AND lack, supported by own knowledge AND cross reference. AS ABOVE + I am not surprised as I know that they had a good water system as I know that monasteries were healthier places to live. Source Y shows that the monks were much healthier as they had better ways of cleaning and cooking. On the other hand – it does surprise me as source Z shows me that ordinary people lived in very bad conditions. I know that the towns were very unhealthy places to live.