Investing in Georgia’s Future UGA College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences’ FY09 Budget Request for Agricultural Experiment Stations and Cooperative Extension
Major issues facing Georgia Changing population Rapid population expansion created issues related to land use, natural resource allocation, aging population, emerging populations. Population change highlights issues of health, nutrition, lifestyle and disease prevention. Youth population needs leadership, citizenship and work-force skill development.
Major issues facing Georgia Global markets create need for more competitive, safe, sustainable agricultural systems. Rising concerns around food safety, food supply and agrosecurity require due diligence. New agribusinesses and emerging commodities need research, development and expert advice to survive.
Issues facing UGA Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Experiment Stations Changing population Aging work force – 30% of agents will retire in the next 5 years. Competition – Industry, schools present growing competition for limited pool of potential agents. Support system – New agents in tough situations face burnout and frustration.
Issues facing UGA Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Experiment Stations New focus for agricultural systems Environmental pressure – More emphasis and education on preserving and protecting our resources. Emerging agricultural enterprises – New commodities and industries need expertise we don’t have. Aging facilities – many CAES facilities are in need of repair, and too much program money is needed for maintenance.
How you can help us better serve your constituents Fund M&O request for AES and CES so M&O shortfall will be fully funded within three years. Index M&O funding to inflation just as it is for other USG units. Fully funding M&O will help us focus program dollars on the needs of Georgians. Support funding for agent-in-training positions to help new agents learn from experienced agents to avoid early-career frustrations that often lead to turnover. Help us get the agents-in-training before a large number of seasoned agents retire.
How you can help us better serve Georgia’s economy Address new industry needs – fund additional specialists to support fast-growing horticulture, turf, nursery, blueberry and wine grape industries. Address new problems – fund additional specialists to support production problems affecting profitability of peanuts and to protect safety, security and viability of poultry industry. Alternative fuel development – support research for alternative uses of biomass, crop and biofuel development.
How you can help us better serve Georgia’s economy Attract new businesses – support director position for new food commercialization facility. Protect and preserve environment – support positions in waste management. Healthier Georgia – support a gerontology specialist to help Georgia’s seniors live healthier, more productive lives.
Prepared to serve As Georgia grows faster, the population changes and ages, new industries emerge and others struggle to compete on global markets, UGA Extension and Agricultural Experiment Stations are uniquely positioned to effectively, efficiently and economically serve the state’s needs. We are a trusted, valued source of education, advice and service to citizens. We provide a large, measurable return on your investment.
What are we doing for you? To find out what we’re doing for your district, go online to Under “Topics A-Z,” select “Impact Statements,” then choose your name from the “Geographic Area” list. To see how we’re addressing Georgia’s pressing issues, choose “Hot Topics” from the A-Z list. Issue statements explore topics and show how we’re addressing them. Call your local Extension office for help.