The Leeds Smart Swapathon! School Name: Date: Name of speaker:
What is the Smart Swapathon? It’s all about making simple swaps It’s about making swaps to make us feel good and be healthy – It’s about what we eat and drink – It’s about being more active
Why do we need to make swaps? Everyday food and drink can contain hidden nasty's like fats and sugars Eating too many means extra calories, which can cause fat to build up and could lead to heart disease, some cancers and type 2 diabetes.
So what shall we swap? Have a think about what you eat and drink. Have a think about all the activity you do. Here are some ideas to help you decide the right swap for you …
It’s important to eat a healthy breakfast everyday! You could swap a sugary cereal for a plain cereal and fruit? Breakfast Swaps
You could swap your packed lunch for a school meal? Or you could try to chose extra salad with your school meal School Meals Swaps
Drink Swaps Milk and water are the healthiest drinks to choose!
Why not help to cook and prepare a homemade meal with your family? Use your cooking skills from school at home with your family! Cook Swaps
Make a swap to be more active! Why not swap some time watching TV to play outside? You could ask your parent/carers if you could swap to walking, cycling or scooting to school? Activity Swaps
What do we need to do now! We need to make sure our schools is registered at: We need to make swaps at school and at home We will count all out swaps in class in the totalizer!
What will your swap be? What could you do to eat healthier or be a little more activity? What swaps do you think parents could do? Don’t forget there will be chances to win cool prizes!
Let’s get swapping!