Objective Provide an overview of nutrition education, physical activity, and wellness policy criteria on HUSSC applications.
HUSSC Goal Improve the health of the nation’s children by promoting healthier school environments.
Childhood Obesity Initiative America’s Move to Raise a Healthier Generation of Kids Help parents make healthy choices. Serve healthier food in schools. Improve access and affordability of healthy food. Increase physical activity.
HUSSC App. Page 8
HUSSC App. Page 9
HUSSC App. Page 9a
School Health Policies & Practices HUSSC app page 11 Nutrition Fundraising/Foods Physical activity Wellness policy Policies & practices support a consistent wellness environment
HUSSC App. Page 11
HUSSC app page 11 School Policies & Practices Nutrition Prohibit the use of any food as a reward for performance. Related items exempt from HUSSC criteria: Holiday celebrations, birthday parties. Non-food rewards on next 2 slides. Fundraising/Foods After school, or non-food fundraising. If fundraiser foods are sold during the day, they must meet competitive foods criteria. Reminder: HUSSC criteria apply during the school day.
HUSSC app page 11 School Policies & Practices Physical activity Neither deny nor require physical activity as a means of punishment. Wellness Policy (WP) Best to address the physical activity/punishment, and food as reward issues in the WP, to be clear, Or create an addendum to ‘correct’ if the WP conflicts with HUSSC. For school WPs that do not address these issues. Answering the HUSSC application questions are all that is needed, without any further documentation.
Wellness Policy Conflicts with HUSSC Possible Addendum “All district schools applying for the USDA’s Healthier US School Challenge (HUSSC) awards will meet or exceed any HUSSC criteria standard itemized in the district wellness policy.” Signed/Dated: Principal (if school app) or Superintendent (if district app)
Summer 2012 New HUSSC standards, new application. Reflecting the new menu patterns. MyPlate vegetable sub-groups Whole grains meet 1 of these criteria: –Whole grains per serving must be ≥ 8 grams –Product includes FDA’s whole grain health claim on its packaging –Product ingredient listing lists whole grain first HUSSC will always go beyond the federal minimum requirements. To reward schools who have made themselves healthier How long will the current application be accepted? Get current-version applications submitted ASAP.
January, Steven Bergonzoni, MPA, RD, LDN Marlene Stein Nutritionist Program Specialist Special Nutrition Programs Schools, Summer and Nutrition Education Section Mid-Atlantic Region, Food and Nutrition Service, USDA