Angela Towers Regional Coordinator, North East and North West.


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Presentation transcript:

Angela Towers Regional Coordinator, North East and North West

UK wide Non-Ministerial Government Department - Offices in London, Aberdeen, Belfast, Cardiff and York + regional team Set up 1 April 2000 by Act of Parliament: Food Standards Act 1999 Run by an independent Board appointed through open competition Accountable to Parliament through Health Ministers (or their equivalents) Food Standards Agency

How does the FSA work? Purpose – to protect the public interest in relation to food Vision – Safe Food and Healthy Eating for all Putting the consumer first Openness Independence Evidence based

Consumer protection: food safety and food standards Eating for health and Choice: labelling, diet, nutrition Develop Government policy - Applied across the whole food chain - “farm to fork” - Research to underpin our functions - Surveys on nutrition and diet to monitor changing eating habits Roles of the FSA

How many people will die TODAY because of something they ate? –Food additives 0 * –Pesticide residues, hormones, GM 0 * –Food allergies <1 –Choking on food 0-1 –Food poisoning 1-2 –Cancer140 –Cardiovascular disease *But major concern issue for 30-40% consumers

FSA Strategy 2010 – 2015 Our strategic objective: To improve food safety and the balance of people’s diets

Imported food is safe to eat The main priorities: work internationally to reduce risks from food and feed originating in non- EU countries ensure risk-based, targeted checks at ports and local authority monitoring of imports throughout the food chain Food products and catering meals are healthier The main priorities: continue to achieve reductions in levels of saturated fat, salt and calories in food products encourage the development, promotion and availability of healthier options when shopping and eating out make sure that portion sizes appropriate for a healthy diet are available and promoted Regulation is effective, risk-based and proportionate, is clear about the responsibilities of food business operators, and protects consumers and their interest from fraud and other risks The main priorities: secure effective enforcement and implementation of policies within the UK to protect consumers from risks related to food and from fraudulent or misleading practices, targeting the areas where there is highest risk develop our knowledge of what works in driving up business compliance with regulations safeguard consumers by making it easier for businesses to comply with regulations, and minimise burdens on businesses secure more proportionate, risk-based and effective regulation by strengthening our engagement in the EU and in international forums work internationally to design a model for a new regulatory and enforcement regime for ensuring meat controls are effective Improve food safety and the balance of people’s diets Food produced or sold in the UK is safe to eat The main priorities: reduce foodborne disease using a targeted approach – tackling campylobacter in chicken as a priority increase horizon scanning and improve forensic knowledge of, and intelligence on, global food chains to identify and reduce the impact of potential new and re-emerging risks – particularly chemical contamination The main priorities: improve public awareness and use of messages about healthy eating and good food hygiene practice at home increase provision of information to consumers on the hygiene standards of food premises when they choose where to eat increase the availability of information on calories in meals in catering establishments promote the adoption of a single, simple and effective front-of-pack labelling approach develop and promote integrated Government advice for consumers on food issues Consumers understand about safe food and healthy eating, and have the information they need to make informed choices

Strategic Plan – 5 Outcomes Food produced or sold in the UK is safe to eat Imported food is safe to eat Food products and catering meals are healthier Consumers understand about safe food and healthy eating and they have the information they need to make informed choices Regulation is effective, risk-based and proportionate, is clear about the responsibilities of food businesses operators and protects consumers and their interests from fraud and other risks

FSA Strategic Plan 2010 – 2015 Improving Food Safety: –Renewed focus on raising awareness of good food hygiene practices in the home –Reduce Foodborne disease in a targeted approach – tackling Campylobacter in chicken as a priority –Safeguard consumers by making it easier for businesses to comply and minimise unnecessary burdens –Increase information to consumers on hygiene standards in premises eg SOTDs –Food Safety Week – June 14 th – 19 th, 2010

FSA Strategic Plan 2010 – 2015 Improving balance of the diet: –Influencing Products, People and the Environment –Continue to reduce Sat Fat, Salt and Calories in core products –Promote adoption of single integrated front of pack food labelling scheme –Encourage development, promotion and availability of healthier options and appropriate portion sizes –Increase provision of nutritional information in catering –Improve public awareness about healthier eating

Reducing Salt Intake Currently greatest food concern for UK consumers Target 6g daily intake – would save 20,000 lives Average salt consumption has dropped from 9.5g to 8.6g – saving 3,500 lives annually Industry commitments to reformulating products – evidenced by self reporting, LA/other UK salt sales fell 11% ( ) 43% consumers now check labels for salt levels

Reducing Saturated Fat Intake Reduce the average intake of saturated fat (from age 5 yrs) from the level of 13.3% to 11% Develop and implement a strategy for calorie intakes, which contributes to achieving energy balance mainstream product reformulation – voluntary targets greater availability of healthy options smaller portion sizes consumer awareness

BIS Reduction of regulation New simplification target Higher Education Strategy National Skills Strategy DH Healthier Food Mark 5-A-Day action plan School fruit and vegetable scheme Nursery milk scheme Breastfeeding Healthy Start What is happening? FSA Food-borne disease; Front-of-pack labelling Saturated Fats and Sugar Calorie information when eating out Regulation and EU health claims legislation; Integrated Advice to Consumers Consumer dialogue (GM) DCSF Healthy Schools New simplification target Higher Education Strategy National Skills Strategy DWP Health in the workplace Occupational health helpline "Well-being" agenda DWP Health in the workplace Occupational health helpline "Well-being" agenda DfID

Regional partnerships for food and health Strengthening links with regional and local partners e.g. Food businesses, health sector, local authority dept’s, CFIs, food industry groups Embedding key Agency messages - LAAs, regional and local strategies and policies Improving local delivery of our strategic food safety and dietary health targets Contributing to regional and local outcomes – health and well-being

Angela Towers Regional Co-ordinator Food Standards Agency North West Tel: Sharon Young Regional Co-ordinator Food Standards Agency North West Tel: