Healthy Homes Detroit The Goal: Make 120+ homes healthy and safe Make 120+ homes healthy and safe Aligning partner resources Aligning partner resources Build community awareness Build community awareness Develop a replicable model Develop a replicable model
Healthy Homes Detroit Accomplishments 73 families enrolled 73 families enrolled 68 homes assessed 68 homes assessed 50 HHRTs completed 50 HHRTs completed 38 homes completed; Repair work underway on additional 8 houses 38 homes completed; Repair work underway on additional 8 houses includes Kresge/Skillman Pilot & HUD to date
Healthy Homes Detroit Accomplishments Number and Types of Repairs ~ Moisture/Mold/Roofs/Gutters/Tubs: 25 ~ Safety/Stairs—Porches : 13 ~Basic Weatherization: 30 ~Safety/ Furnace or Boiler Repair: 5 ~Safety/Electrical: 9 ~Safety/Asbestos: 3 ~Integrated Pest Management: 5
Healthy Homes Detroit Accomplishments Referrals to Partners Referrals to Partners –MCAAA Weatherization Program: 19 –Asthma Home Visit referrals19 –Energy Visits: DTE & WARM10 –Lead: PDD and MDCH8 –Citizens Bank4
Healthy Homes Detroit Financial Support HUD HHP Grant: $999,995 HUD HHP Grant: $999,995 Kresge/Skillman Pilot: $140,000 Kresge/Skillman Pilot: $140,000 GHHI/OSF-Repairs: $61,500 GHHI/OSF-Repairs: $61,500 GHHI/OSF-Training: $200,000 GHHI/OSF-Training: $200,000
BRAIDING RESOURCES: Partnerships Make the Difference BRAIDING RESOURCES: Partnerships Make the Difference Lead Grants with Detroit Planning and Development & MDCH Boarding up homes with WSU Center for Urban Studies Weatherization with Michigan Community Action Agency Association Home Energy Consultations with DTE Energy Smoke and CO Detectors from Children’s Hospital Home Repair Grants with Citizens Bank Asthma Home Visits by the Asthma & Allergy Foundation/MI
Growing HHD: New aspects Going to a more intensive case management system Going to a more intensive case management system Enhancing braiding/expanding referrals Enhancing braiding/expanding referrals Radon Testing Blitz! Radon Testing Blitz!
Growing HHD: New aspects Increased Attention to Lead: Lead Inspection/Risk Assessments Lead Inspection/Risk Assessments Promoting Lead Safe Work Practices Promoting Lead Safe Work Practices Creating “Work Lead Safe” Project including stipends for RRP and materials Creating “Work Lead Safe” Project including stipends for RRP and materials
Growing HHD: New aspects Weatherization Fixes Healthy Homes staff/contractors do minor fixes (door sweeps; caulk; window insulation kits; adding thermostat) Healthy Homes staff/contractors do minor fixes (door sweeps; caulk; window insulation kits; adding thermostat) Update on MCAAA grant Update on MCAAA grant
Woodland: Woodland: ~Main Hazards/Issues/Repairs ~Partners and Braided Resources -PDD Lead-Home Energy Visit -WSU CM Database -Applied for MCAAA Weatherization -Children’s Hospital: Smoke & CO Detectors ~Funding Sources: Skillman/Kresge HHD: Braiding Resources
Healthier Home=Healthier Kids!
Barriers to Success Leaking Roofs Leaking Roofs Uncertainty of Weatherization Dollars Uncertainty of Weatherization Dollars Large cost of Lead Fixes/Enforcement Large cost of Lead Fixes/Enforcement Unpaid Property Taxes Unpaid Property Taxes High Cost of Repairing Units High Cost of Repairing Units
Barriers to Success Roofs and large houses in disrepair= Roofs and large houses in disrepair= ~mold/moisture/lead/pests/asthma ~mold/moisture/lead/pests/asthma ~No Weatherization Grants
Barriers to Success Uncertain Weatherization Dollars= Uncertain Weatherization Dollars= ~cold/high energy bills/shut offs/’dirty’ air ~No WAP grants if: asbestos, roof leaks, water in basement in basement
Barriers to Success Unpaid Property Taxes Unpaid Property Taxes –No Lead Fixes –Less mold/moisture repairs –More asthma –No PDD Lead Grants –No Citizens Bank Grants –Foreclosure and Homelessness
Barriers to Success Lead Issues Lead Issues –Costly –Some houses without kids under 6 –Many houses behind on taxes
Barriers to Success Lead Issues Wayne County Prosecutors Office enforcing the Michigan Landlord Penalty Law Wayne County Prosecutors Office enforcing the Michigan Landlord Penalty Law Since 2005, 244 properties have been remediated due to WCPO Since 2005, 244 properties have been remediated due to WCPO Have 119 open files Have 119 open files Need funding to keep this effort moving Need funding to keep this effort moving
Healthy Homes Detroit Repairs/ Physical Improvements
HHD: Products Installed WARM Training and CLEARCorps staff installing products
Before… and after
Before roof repairs…
Before… and after
And…of note… 16 houses are Repeat Offender Houses (2 or more lead poisonings) 16 houses are Repeat Offender Houses (2 or more lead poisonings) 4 CO Incidents 4 CO Incidents 2 fires prevented 2 fires prevented
Healthier Homes=Healthier Kids
Thank you for helping to make homes in Detroit safer, healthier, and more energy efficient!