Mine Health & Safety Inspectorate Annual Report Presentation To Select Committee On Economic Development Mthokozisi Zondi Regional Operations Manager: Coal 27 October 2009 DEPARTMENT OF MINERAL RESOURCES
Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate Purpose Execute the Department’s mandate to safeguard the health and safety of the mine employees and people affected by mining activities Measurable Objective Reduce mining-related deaths, injuries and ill health through the formulation of national policy and legislation, the provision of advice, and the application of systems that monitor, audit and enforce compliance in the mining sector
DME Strategic Outcome Branch InitiativesMeasures Results / Progress & Verification Source Constraints Corrective Action 1.Resources allocated and utilised on key priorities Compliance to PFMA Guidelines Follow Prescripts Achieved Challenges are being experienced with the accuracy of cash flow statements Discussions with Financial Management but no specific date has been set Proper budgeting for Programme Activities Activities optimally resourced and expenditure managed Achieved N/A 2.Improved service delivery internally and externally Develop and Review Operational Policies and Procedures Number of Policies Developed Achieved as per MHSI Strategic Plan and copies are filed in the office of the CIOM N/A Create an enabling environment for effective and efficient service delivery
DME Strategic Outcome Branch InitiativesMeasures Results / Progress & Verification Source Constraints Corrective Action 2.Improved service delivery internally and externally URS Developed and tender advertised Integrated OHS database and better knowledge management Project for the user requirements of the management system was completed and the development and implementation must now be performed. Alternative options were investigated due to high quote received from Gijima. AST was identified and bought from IRCA N/A The system has been purchased and development and implementation has commenced and is scheduled over a twelve month period starting from February 2009 Regular meetings, MOU and SLA Meetings held95% Achieved N/A Create an enabling environment for effective and efficient service delivery
DME Strategic Outcome Branch InitiativesMeasuresResults / Progress Constraints Corrective Action 2.Improved service delivery internally and externally Provide valid, reliable data. Establish reliable database Reliable statistics published Achieved Monthly SAMRASS reports Challenges are being experienced with the IM systems Concerns and challenges are continuously discussed with IM and SDM the challenges will be addressed through the implementati on of the Management Information system Create an enabling environment for effective and efficient service delivery
DME Strategic Outcome Branch InitiativesMeasuresResults / Progress Constraints Corrective Action DME Capacitated to deliver on its mandate HRD Plan developed and implemented Number of Bursaries Achieved 11 as per HRD Plan N/A Number of learnerships Achieved 23 as per HRD Plan N/A Discussions are underway with the MQA to expand the learnership programme Number of internships 37 N/A Number of training courses attended Achieved N/A Create an enabling environment for effective and efficient service delivery
DME Strategic Outcome Branch InitiativesMeasuresResults / Progress Constraints Corrective Action DME Capacitated to deliver on its mandate Collate and disseminate research information, technical assistance and Medical assistance Information portal available to MHSI Analysis of accident and inquiry report findings are fed into regional offices Capacity challenges and lack of technical support In process of developing a MIS system to address challenges Participate in international forum Internationally benchmarked OHS approaches and practices Not achieved Capacity challenges and lack of technical support Met with the Unit and developed an improvement plan Create an enabling environment for effective and efficient service delivery
DME Strategic Outcome Branch InitiativesMeasuresResults / Progress Constraints Corrective Action Healthier, safer and cleaner minerals and energy sectors Review legislation Consultation process Parliamentary process Reviewed MHSA Achieved the MHS Amendment Bill was published on 20 June 2008 Amendment Bill was approved by the National Assembly and final approval from the President is awaited Develop Guidelines Enforcement Guidelines Not achieved Capacity challenges within the Policy Unit Met with the Unit and developed an improvement plan. Arranged with Wits to provide mentorship and training. Requested review of job descriptions and structure of the Unit to improve delivery Regulate the minerals and energy sectors to be healthier, safer and cleaner
DME Strategic Outcome Branch InitiativesMeasuresResults / Progress Constraints Corrective Action Healthier, safer and cleaner minerals and energy sectors Conduct studies Regulatory impact assessments, prepare consultative papers Number of OHS policies Not achieved Capacity challenges within the Policy Unit Met with the Unit and developed an improvement plan. Arranged with Wits to provide mentorship and training. Requested review of job descriptions and structure of the Unit to improve delivery System audits at mines Number of Audits 146% As per monthly business plan report Challenges are being experienced with the distinction between audits and inspections Management coaching and support as well as translation of strategy to regional offices Regulate the minerals and energy sectors to be healthier, safer and cleaner
DME Strategic Outcome Branch InitiativesMeasuresResults / Progress Constraints Corrective Action Healthier, safer and cleaner minerals and energy sectors Follow-up inspections Number of OHS inspections 62% of planned as per monthly business plan report Capacity challenges Intense recruitment as well as initiatives such as bursaries and learnership programmes Investigations Number of accident investigations 84% of planned as per monthly business plan report Capacity challenges Intense recruitment as well as initiatives such as bursaries and learnership programmes In loco investigations and inquiries Number of accident inquiries 45% of planned as per monthly business plan report Capacity challenges Intense recruitment as well as initiatives such as bursaries and learnership programmes Regulate the minerals and energy sectors to be healthier, safer and cleaner
DME Strategic Outcome Branch InitiativesMeasuresResults / ProgressConstraints Corrective Action Healthier, safer and cleaner minerals and energy sectors Survey inspections Number of survey inspections conducted 58% of planned as per monthly business plan report Capacity challenges Intense recruitment as well as initiatives such as bursaries and learnership programmes Surveys conducted Conduct volumetric survey No rehabilitatio n work was done requiring volumetric surveying Capacity challenges Intense recruitment as well as initiatives such as bursaries and learnership programmes Investigations into complaints conducted Investigated and settled complaints 89% of planned to date as per monthly business plan report Capacity challenges Intense recruitment as well as initiatives such as bursaries and learnership programmes Regulate the minerals and energy sectors to be healthier, safer and cleaner
DME Strategic Outcome Branch InitiativesMeasuresResults / ProgressConstraints Corrective Action Healthier, safer and cleaner minerals and energy sectors Process applications Number of processed mining applications Achieved 99% of planned as per monthly business plan report Capacity challenges Intense recruitment as well as initiatives such as bursaries and learnership programmes Number of EMP’s and land use applications evaluated Achieved 100% of EMPs’ Achieved 80% of land use applications Capacity challenges Intense recruitment as well as initiatives such as bursaries and learnership programmes Regulate the minerals and energy sectors to be healthier, safer and cleaner
Occupational health
MHSI REPORT 2008/09 Current Health and Safety Performance Fatality rate decreased by 28% as compared to 0.21% increase of the previous year The fatality rate of 0.15% for 2008 Reportable injury rate dropped by 11.6% from the previous reporting period The reportable injuries of 3.2% for 2008
MHSI REPORT 2008/ *Rates Fatalitie s Fatality rates Fatalitie s Fatalit y rates % Chang e All mines Western Cape Northern Cape Free State Eastern Cape KwaZulu Natal Mpumalang a Limpopo Gauteng North West Actual fatalities and rates (million hours worked) per region
Actual reportable injuries and rates (million hours worked) per region *Rates Injuries Injury ratesInjuries Injury rates % change All mines Western Cape Northern Cape Free State Eastern Cape KwaZulu Natal Mpumalang a Limpopo Gauteng North West
MHSI REPORT 2008/09 Actual reportable injuries and rates (million hours worked) per region
MHSI REPORT 2008/09 Fatality and injury rates per casualty classification (rates per million hours worked). FatalitiesInjuries ActualRates Rates % change Actual Rates Rates % change * * * * All mines Fall of ground Machinery Transportation and mining General Conveyance accidents Electricity Fires Explosives Subsidence/caving Heat sickness Diving sickness Miscellaneous
MHSI REPORT 2008/09 Commodity Injuries 01/01/ /10/ /01/ /10/2009% Change Total Gold Coal Platinum Other
MHSI REPORT 2008/09 Commodity Fatalities* 01/01/2008 – 12/10/ /01/ /10/2009% Change Total Gold Coal Platinum Other222513
MHSI REPORT 2008/09 Rock related fatalities Platinum sector: 47% improvement Gold sector: 22% improvement Transport related fatalities Platinum sector: 25% reduction Gold sector: 42% increase Conveyance transport killed 9 employees Seismic events killed 4 employees Illegal miners poses a major challenge to health and safety
Thank you