Promoting Healthy Choices to School-Aged Children in Miami-Dade County Lillian Rivera, RN, MSN, PhD Administrator/Health Officer Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County October 3, 2014
Initiatives Creating Partnerships/ Bringing Stakeholders Together Consortium for a Healthier Miami- Dade Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) Make Healthy Happen Miami
Childcare Centers Environmental and system changes implemented –Facilitate healthier menu changes –Increase physical activity –Decrease screen time
Miami-Dade County Public Schools Wellness Policy adopted by School Board (May 2006) Healthy Beverage and Food Guidelines incorporated into the policy (November 2009) Environmental changes implemented – Refrigerated reimbursable cash-less vending machines offer fresh, healthy meals All 177 elementary schools designated USDA HealthierUS Schools Bronze Award winners
Miami-Dade County Public Schools Florida-grown fruits and vegetables provided through the school meal program in 2009 – South Florida local harvest season (generally November through April) accommodates the academic school year CPPW 40 Pilot Schools: Forty schools located in South Miami selected to participate in the CPPW Farm-to-Schools initiative
Physical Education/ Health Literacy Department of Physical Education and Health Literacy increased SPARK* curriculum from 40 to 240 schools – Grades three through five – Spark approved equipment provided * Sports, Play and Active Recreation for Kids
Alliance for a Healthier Generation Increased opportunities for students to engage in healthy behaviors Cadre of Coaches – Ten champions in Healthy Schools Program Implementation grants to 58 schools to promote increased physical activity and healthy eating in line with Healthy Schools Program
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine WalkSafe™ program – Pedestrian safety skills, physical activity, walkability surrounding elementary schools – Multidisciplinary approach reduces pedestrian injuries in high-risk neighborhoods Transportation Surveillance System (TSS) – First survey of its kind in Miami-Dade County – Site surveys to validate self-reported results – Health promotion and active transportation awareness for Miami-Dade County school administrators
Miami-Dade County Parks Recreation and Open Spaces Fit2Play ® – Health Wellness and Obesity Prevention After- School and Out of School Program – Homework help followed by SPARK activities – Offered at 34 parks – Studied and endorsed by University of Miami as a national model
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