* American workers calls in sick an average of 14 days per year of due to illness, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. * Nearly 1/3 of working Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease. * Approximately 50% of the workforce experiences a problem known to reduce productivity
* Healthcare premiums have risen five times faster than earnings since This is largely due to the tremendous prevalence of chronic disease, mainly rooted in poor lifestyle choices. * Employer paid healthcare premiums average $3,585 per worker and $9,773 per covered family.
* Absenteeism costs an average of $3,100 per employee per year in direct and indirect costs. Presenteeism refers to employees who are present in attendance, but compromised in performance. * The cost of presenteeism affects productivity three times more than absenteeism.
* The key to reducing costs and improving productivity is to address employees underlying health conditions as quickly as possible to enable them to become healthier over the long term and avoid the traps of chronic disease. * Studies have found an average savings of almost $5 for every $1 invested in a wellness program. (U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services)
We can help reduce these costs by guiding your employees on the path to wellness. Our Chiropractic based Corporate Wellness program tailored to your business’s needs will help reduce the costs associated with chronic illness while increasing productivity and employee morale.
* The Corp Be Well program is designed and implemented by Wellness Physicians. * This program puts primary care physicians, specialized in clinically proven, conservative treatments that can return employees back to work on the same day!
* In addition, each person is diagnostically evaluated and is given their own unique map towards excellent health called “A Spine Tingling Adventure”. * “A Spine Tingling Adventure” has been designed to create dramatic progress within just 30 days. * Furthermore, the individual is cultivated, guided and educated on how to create lifelong results, meaning a healthier, better functioning & performing employee as each year passes by.
Exercise, quality nutrition, proper spinal alignment and minimizing the effects of stress are all key factors to staying healthy and reducing the impact of chronic disease on your health.
* Our on-site wellness program utilizes Chiropractic, Acupuncture and alternative medicine to address the underlying causes of each patients’ specific symptoms. * On a daily basis we address * chronic and acute pain * Sprains and strains * headaches * allergy and sinus issues * Colds and flu * This are just the beginning of what we can do for your employees!
You can’t exercise if you’re in pain. Often even walking around the office or sitting in a chair eight hours a day is painful. We start with Chiropractic adjustments to address structural interferences reducing or eliminating the source of the pain that may be keeping your employees for moving. The Way to Move More
We don’t get the nutrition our bodies need from the food we eat, even when we eat good food. We also analyze nutritional requirements and recommend supplements to provide specific support based on each patient’s needs. The Way to Better Nutrition
Stress is a constant in our busy lives. We can help your employees move past the negative effects of stress to regain emotional balance..
Call us today to schedule a presentation in your office to discuss the details of this amazingly affordable program. Your business can’t afford to pass up this opportunity Call today