Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program SY Alabama State Department of Education August 15, 2014
Welcome… The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program has grown by leaps and bounds since its origination in Alabama in : 25 schools awarded 09-10: 39 schools awarded 10-11: 62 schools awarded 11-12: 92 schools awarded 12-13: 106 schools awarded 13-14: 111 schools awarded 14-15: 118 schools awarded We would like to welcome all new participants and thank you all for your time and efforts on the grant applications.
FFVP Handbook To locate, Click FFVP Handbook OR… To access directly ALSO available on our website under Fresh Fruits and Vegetables-FFVP Handbook
FFVP Goals Create healthier school environments by providing healthier food choices Expand the variety of fruits and vegetables children experience Increase children’s fruit and vegetable consumption Make a difference in children’s diets to impact their present and future health
Selection Criteria USDA: Elementary School 50% or more students eligible for Free/Reduced price meals School must participate in NSLP School must complete an annual application for the FFVP Alabama: 60% or more students eligible for Free/Reduced price meals
FFVP Funding SY SY Alabama awarded $448, (25 schools) Alabama awarded $3,030, for SY (118 schools) USDA standards require allocation to be between $50-$75/student This years allocation based on $51.53/ student
Implementation and Monitoring ****Develop a monthly budget**** Use an operational plan which includes who, what, when, and where in order to to make sure your plan is implemented Develop partnerships Make sure to follow your HACCP Plan
Allocation of Funds Funds are allocated twice per year – July - September – October - June Keep this in mind when planning your budget
HACCP Plan FFVP required to be included in your HACCP Plan, per HHFKA 2010
Implementation and Monitoring Communicate with all CNP staff, principals and teachers for program understanding Use the purchasing process for fresh produce Store and handle foods to prevent spoilage and loss
Who are the recipients of the program? Children who normally attend the school receiving the grant award This includes split session kindergarten Head Start Child care center in your school You do not need to keep a roster
Teacher Role Teachers should be encouraged to participate and function as role models Help monitor and direct food distribution Use the time to talk with students about nutritional value, health, manners and hygiene
FFVP should not be used… For the community residents or adults attending school functions As gifts or rewards For disciplining of children
Serving Schedule During the School Day (outside of meal service periods) School Day Activities It is not limited to one time per day Cannot be used in place of OR as part of the reimbursable meal for NSLP, SBP or After School Snack Programs
Serving location Consider o Timing (not immediately before meal periods) o Maturity of students o Amount of time for students to eat o Time needed to prepare and serve students- classrooms or staggered kiosks to reduce confusion o Clean-up o Staffing issues
Selection of Food Items Fruit o Kiwi o Pluot o Raspberries o Pomegranate o Apples- Variety o Papaya o Ugly Fruit o Star Fruit o Local peaches o Avocado Raw Vegetables o Salads o Celery o Squash- Yellow, Zucchini o Onions o Mushrooms o Rutabaga o Spinach o Jicama o White Asparagus -New and different fresh fruits and vegetables -This includes pre-packaged fruits and vegetables
Selecting Fruits and Vegetables Consider the Season: 20Fresh%20Fruit%20and%20Vegetables%20-% pdf Found on CNP Website – School Nutrition – Fresh Fruits and Vegetables – Resource List of Seasonal Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Make sure you are serving as many vegetables as you are fruits
Disallowable Items and Setting Limits Pages of the FFVP Handbook o See list of items not allowed Setting limits o Dips for vegetables: limit to 1-2 Tablespoons o Prepared vegetables Fresh vegetables that are cooked are limited to one time per week and always as a part of nutrition education lesson
Nutrition Education Seek free nutrition education materials USDA Team Nutrition website Fresh Fruits and Vegetables website Consult with your partners Ideas located on pages of FFVP Handbook Cannot be purchased with FFVP funds
Reimbursement Made monthly based on submission of monthly claim for reimbursement Made for costs of purchasing, preparing, and serving fresh fruit and vegetables to students Submit claim within the first 10 days of the month and no later than the 20 th day of the month Same late guidance as NSLP
Reimbursement Have you submitted your agreement yet? You will not be reimbursed for purchases until your agreement has been approved by the State Office.
Claim Form To find the claim form: > Offices > CNP > Documents > School Nutrition > Fresh Fruits and Vegetables – Claim form FFVP July-Sept SY 14-15
Claim Form
Submitting your Claim Must be done monthly (no later than the 20 th ) Use Claim Form Check accuracy of the claim Submit claim to Keep records 4 years plus current, or longer if unresolved audit
Spending No more than 10% of total grant can be used for administrative costs for the entire year allocation
Spending If you have not spent your $ by September (end of first quarter) CONTACT STATE DEPT. If you do not spend your $, your allocation will be reduced. This means your 10% administrative costs will be reduced as well. Ex: If you have $3,000 left over to return, you will lose $300 administrative cost allowance. If you have already spent this $300, CNP will have to cover the cost.
Reimbursable Costs Costs divided into two categories 1.Administrative 2.Operating
Administrative Costs Documented expenses for planning the program, managing paperwork, obtaining equipment, and all other aspects of FFVP not related to the preparation and service of fruits and vegetables Purchasing (larger) food service equipment such as carts, refrigerators, portable kiosks, food bars, Slicers Salaries for employees who compile claims for reimbursement and other financial reports, plan and write menus, order produce, track inventory, and coordinate nutrition promotion
Reminders about Administrative Costs Limited to 10% of your school’s total FFVP grant Do not have to spend ANY, but 10% is maximum Must justify equipment purchases to State agency ( see page 22-24) – Use equipment request form on State website, under Forms
What are Operational Costs? The costs of running your food service operation If you have doubts about whether a cost is allowable, contact the State agency to discuss, prior to incurring such costs
Examples of Operational Costs Food items (fruits, vegetables, low-fat or fat-free dip for vegetables only) Non Food items- napkins, paper plates, cups, cleaning supplies, garbage liners Small serving utensils Delivery charges (including fuel surcharges) Staff salaries for preparing, serving and cleaning up for the FFVP Program
Smooth Operation Stay with-in the budget for July- Sept and October- June It is advised not to spend entire 10% of Administrative costs during first quarter You want to make sure you have enough money left to buy fresh fruits and vegetables If you need to spend more than 10% of your first quarters allocation on Administrative costs, please contact the State Department
July-Sept. Encumbrance of Funds Complete a purchase order prior to September 30 for fresh fruits and vegetables to be delivered and served in October These will be claimed for reimbursement on September claim using July-September allocation of funds This may or may not be allowable by your CSFO. Know the financial policies of your district.
Budgeting Make sure purchases are for allowable expenditures Make sure that your reimbursement check matches the claim for reimbursement The Balance Spreadsheet that is required as part of your monthly claim will assist you in managing your budget
State Monitoring/Review Claims o Majority of funds are used to purchase fresh produce o Equipment purchases are carefully reviewed and justified o Labor costs and all other non-food costs are minimal Part of Administrative Review Ensure that funds are used to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables Ensure school is following operating and administrative cost guidance
Use Your Money FFVP requires that schools purchase fruits and vegetables each month Each school must spend their total grant allocation Schools with an excess of funds at the end of the school year may be declined for participation in the future
Resources FFVP Toolkit: USDA resources: USDA Farm to School: MyPlate: * A copy of this presentation can be found on the CNP Website under School Nutrition - Presentations
Q&A will be posted on CNP Website under Fresh Fruits and Vegetables