Healthy School Food Coalition & California Food Policy Advocates SCHOOL FOOD POLICY
Who we are: Parents Students Teachers Stakeholders What we do: Organize Mobilize Implement ALL school food, nutrition, and cafeteria-related policies INTRODUCTION TO THE HEALTHY SCHOOL FOOD COALITION (HSFC)
Poverty and health in Los Angeles: 12% unemployment rate in 2011 1 in 5 children in LA County is living in poverty 26% of 5 th, 7 th, and 9 th grade students at LAUSD are obese School meals are very important, especially in this climate THE LANDSCAPE
Schools are required to follow federal, state, and district school food policies. These policies: Restrict the food that is served in cafeterias Dictate the way that the food is served Dictate the timing and duration of meals Restrict food that is served outside the cafeteria, in vending machines, school stores, and on-campus fundraisers WHAT IS SCHOOL FOOD POLICY?
How school meals work— All across the country FEDERAL POLICY: THE NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM
The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) was created in 1946 The School Breakfast Program (SBP) was piloted in 1966 and received permanent authorization in 1975 PURPOSE: To provide free and affordable meals to children throughout the school day THE HISTORY OF SCHOOL MEALS
The United States Department of Agriculture sends cash reimbursements to participating schools for each qualifying meal. $2.77 for free meals $2.37 for reduced-priced meals $0.26 for paid meals Eligibility is determined by household income level. HOW NSLP & SBP ARE FUNDED
Each cafeteria must offer FIVE components: Protein Grain Fruit Vegetable Milk In order for schools to be reimbursed for a meal, the student must take at least THREE of the five components. WHAT QUALIFIES A MEAL AS BEING REIMBURSABLE?
In January, the USDA released new nutrition guidelines for all schools participating in the NSLP. Below are some of the changes for school lunches (this is just a sample of the changes. The new guidelines also affect school breakfasts.) NEW NUTRITION GUIDELINES FROM USDA Current guidelinesNew guidelines Vegetables cup of fruits & veggies every day.75-1 cup of veggies per day, w/ minimum weekly requirements of different varieties of veggies Fruits cup of fruits & veg every day.5-1 cup fruit per day. Students may select only.5 cup/day under O.V.S. Meat & Meat Alternate oz. daily minimum1 oz. daily minimum Whole Grains EncouragedAt least half of the grains must be whole grain-rich by 7/12, and all grains must be whole grain-rich by 7/14 Milk 1 cup. Variety of fat contents allowed; flavor not restricted 1 Cup 1% or lower fat, and only non-fat milk may be flavored Calories restrictions Restrictions only existed for minimum calorie counts. Varied based on different systems, but generally: K-6: 664 minimum calories 7-12: 785 or 825 minimum calories Introduce calorie restrictions on both ends (max and min). Added middle school group: K-5: calories 6-8: calories 9-12: calories
California state laws governing school food STATE SCHOOL FOOD POLICY
Regulates foods and drinks sold on school campus outside of the cafeteria (“competitive foods”), e.g. in school store, vending machines, and at fundraisers Restricts sales of these foods and drinks to ½ an hour after the end of the school day AND Requires that students have access to water in the cafeteria COMPETITIVE FOODS & ACCESS TO WATER
Policies developed for healthier food in LAUSD LAUSD FOOD POLICY
Eliminates the sale of soda at ALL schools Sets standards for all beverage sales on school campuses, particularly in vending machines HEALTHY BEVERAGE RESOLUTION (2002)
Prohibits junk food sales on all school campuses Sets standards for all snacks in vending machines Increases access to fresh fruits and vegetables in the cafeteria Provides at least one vegetarian option during lunch Offers a Second Chance Breakfast in schools OBESITY PREVENTION MOTION (2003)
Lowers sodium, fat and sugar in all entrees served in the cafeteria Requires availability of nutrition information for all food at the cafeteria Ensures enough time for all students to eat (at least 20 minutes after receiving food) Develops a POS computer system that eliminates meal tickets CAFETERIA IMPROVEMENT MOTION (2005)
Many of these important policies are NOT being enforced. In particular: Second Chance Breakfast does NOT exist in all schools Many students DO NOT have 20 minutes to eat their lunches Junk food IS being sold on campus during school and within 30 minutes of the school day School staff DOES NOT abide by policies restricting junk food being served at parties BUT, STRONG POLICIES ARE USELESS WITHOUT ENFORCEMENT!
Learn more about the new menu RECENT CHANGES AT LAUSD
We’ve heard concerns from students, teachers, and parents alike that the new food may still not be healthy. Is it? IS THE NEW FOOD ACTUALLY HEALTHY? Let’s take a look….
MCDONALD’S VS. SCHOOL FOOD Beef slider- 253 cal, 8g. fat, 2 g. sugar Fries- 159 cal, 7 g. fat, 0 g. sugar Milk- 90cal, 0g. fat, 13 g. sugar Total= 502 cal, 15 g. fat, 15 g. sugar Big Mac- 540 cal, 29 g. fat, 9 g. sugar Fries- 380 cal, 19 g. fat, 0 g. sugar Coke210 cal, 0 g. fat, 58 g. sugar Total= 1130 calories, 48 g. fat, 67 g. sugar 1 Big Mac, 1 medium fries, 1 medium Coke 100% All-natural char-broiled beef slider w/ lettuce and tomato, sweet potato fries, skim milk
SUBWAY VS. SCHOOL FOOD 6” Spicy Italian sandwich, yogurt parfait, 100% orange juice, 15 oz. Sandwich- 480 cal, 24 g. fat, 8 g. sugar Parfait- 164 calories, 2 g. fat, 24 g. sugar Orange juice- 222 cal, 0 fat, 45 g. sugar Total- 702 cal, 24 g. fat, 53 g. sugar Italian sub- 255 cal, 8 g. fat, 4 g. sugar Fresh fruit- 60 cal, 0 fat, 13 g. sugar Milk-90 cal, 0 g. fat, 12 g. sugar Total- 405 cal, 8 g. fat, 30 g. sugar Turkey submarine sandwich, fresh fruit, skim milk
Participation in meal program at LAUSD schools is down Many students are eating sugar-laden snacks from the student store or nearby convenience stores in place of lunch Many other students are going all day without eating at all BUT, HEALTHY FOOD CANNOT NOURISH CHILDREN WHO DON’T EAT IT!
Studies show that most children need to taste a food between times before they will enjoy it. Oftentimes, when a child thinks they don’t like something, the problem is less that the food tastes bad to them, and more that it is unfamiliar. We can help students adjust to the healthier new menu by teaching them about the new foods, setting a positive example, and staying the course in our commitment to serve healthy meals at school. CHANGE TAKES TIME…
Become more familiar with the cafeteria– it does provide nutritious and affordable meal options! Better yet, pull up a chair and eat with the students! You can be a great role model in eating nourishing, balanced meals. 1. TRY THE SCHOOL FOOD
Use any opportunity you have to encourage students to eat balanced meals at the cafeteria: Health assessment meetings with students Presentations for classes The message: Eating real, balanced meals is essential for good health and success at school Meals served in the cafeteria are healthy, and created to meet students’ nutritional needs Eating snacks as meals and skipping meals altogether is dangerous, and can have serious repercussions, such as poor school and athletic performance, health complications, and unhealthy weight. 2. ENCOURAGE STUDENTS TO EAT SCHOOL MEALS
Possible settings to talk to parents: One-on-one meetings with parents PTA meetings Coffee with the Principal meetings The message: Remind parents of the importance of eating balanced meals Discuss the link between good nutrition and educational success Explain to parents that school food has come a long way in recent years, and that it is indeed quite healthy Explain that eating snack foods as meals, or skipping meals altogether- as many students do- is a dangerous practice that can lead to poor school performance, health complications, and obesity. 3. TALK TO PARENTS
School Breakfast Benefits Breakfast, A learning Environment Decreased hunger in schools Decreased tardiness and absenteeism Decrease behavior/disciplinary problems Increased motivation Improved peer-to-peer interactions For more details visit
School Breakfast Benefits Breakfast, Brain Power Higher API scores Improved math and reading grades Improved cognitive performance Better visual perception, spatial and short-term memory For more details visit
School Breakfast Benefits Breakfast, A Fiscal Benefit School Breakfast Increased participation Decreased absenteeism Reduced tardiness Higher academic scores All with effective models Maximized reimbursement Increased ADA funding Increased “indirect” dollars into general fund Supported district budgets and robust food and nutrition programs For more details visit
Breakfastfirst Campaign Breakfast in the Classroom (BIC) Grab and Go Second Chance Breakfast LA Innovations: BIC Pilot Maximum Breakfast Participation = Revenue Student Nutrition and Health Benefits! For more details visit
Classroom Breakfast Served, eaten and cleared within minutes Students run the program Counts as instructional time All students are offered breakfast Most common in elementary schools Students are nourished and ready to learn For more details visit
Sign our letter to the school board and the superintendent, showing your support for Breakfast in the Classroom in your district, urging them to do the same Take a pre-addressed postcard, and fill in WHY you believe children you work with must have access to breakfast in school YOU More of what YOU can do! SUPPORT YOUR STUDENTS’ RIGHT TO BREAKFAST… RIGHT NOW!
Identify and partner with stakeholders who can make Classroom Breakfast a success Continue Taking Action Teachers Principals Parents Students Nutrition Services Custodial Services District Administrators District School Board District Superintendent Community organizations Unions Food banks/anti-hunger organizations State Administrators