HEALTHY LIFESTYLE PROJECT PROJECT LEAD – FIONA MOIR PROJECT DELIVERER’S – LOUISE EVANS EMILY HUTT What is the Healthy Lifestyle Project? Objectives of the project Outcomes Feedback
OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES Develop Individual school plans Encourage all children to enjoy activity Increase Young People’s knowledge on how they can make healthier choices now and in the future Develop the children’s knowledge Through Intervention, Interactive, Practical learning Activities and homework related to home cooking Support staff with any delicate issues i.e.: Body Image, reluctance to join in activity and sport, Lunchtime eating.
Flow Chart Complete follow up session and evaluation Arrange follow up session for next term Session #6 reflection, questionnaire, fitness test and celebration Session #5 Health, Dental, Personal Hygeine, germs, Substances Session #4 Body Image Session #3, Food session, food game, portion size Session #2, Fitness session, bleep test, goal setting Session #1 Intro, initial assesment, questionnaire, quiz and Booklet Deliver 6 sessions to Yr 5 class Attend staff meeting and complete Initial assessment. Meeting to include 1.Icebreaker "what a healthy lifestyle is" 2. Activity, complete Workshop paper and feedback to group 3. Explain Programme and set recommendations 4. Finalise session dates with appropriate Teacher/Teachers Louise and Emily to /phone Head teacher to arrange an initial assessment date with all staff (staff meeting) 45mins Fiona to secure contract with the school and pass through the contract to Louise and Emily
School one - 10/26 understood and knew what a healthy lifestyle was by the end of the project the outcome was 20/26 a 100% increase School two - 15/50 understood what a healthy lifestyle was by the end of the project 38 out of 50 knew a 153% increase. School three - 9/31 understood what a healthy lifestyle was by the end of the project 28 out of 31 children knew. YEAR ONE OUTCOMES
FEEDBACK “The intervention was excellent – delivered well & captured the interest of the children.” “Right from the first session the children took on board what they were taught.” “children are being far more responsible for their own ‘liquid intake’.” “The children really enjoyed the homework of cooking a meal with their parents” Several parents also told me that they enjoyed this activity too. ” “The playground leader for KS1 course element was very popular & we want to run this again to promote good structured play across the school. ” Comments from children ‘It was amazing how much sugar was in drinks & good to know.’ ‘It made me choose healthier options’ ‘It got me into exercise more’ ‘Made me think about what I eat’ ‘We learnt how to be healthier’