More than a Sports Centre! Positively changing individuals, families and the community.
Energy and Fun/Inspiring the community
History Ideas – Vision... LET’S MAKE IT HAPPEN Original bid The lease How the pool subsidy was calculated Integration of tennis and squash club Requirement for Regional centre Fundraising – a community mobilised The build – huge investment (great value)
Sports Centre completed.....What now??? Encouraging all to play sport
Why do we do it ?
Youth provision Youth work apprentice scheme Oban Youth cafe....Hope2oban (H2O) The Lock-in Friday freestyle Saturday night live
Elite Squad
Organisation life cycle
Extending Healthcare into the Community A HEALTHIER FUTURE for OBAN and LORN
HEALTHY OPTIONS WHY DO IT? 40% of our population have a chronic medical condition/s. That is 4,000 patients of the Lorn Medical Centre These conditions can be improved or control managed by adopting an active healthy lifestyle This is our challenge:- “to improve the wellbeing of our ‘40%’ and for Oban and Lorn to become a more active, fitter, healthier community” ‘If there is a problem in the community the solution is in the community’
HEALTHY OPTIONS WHY DO IT? We start from a place of abundance, knowing that what we need we already have – We live in a healthy environment We have well developed community resources and valuable community assets Strong social networks and inbuilt community resilience to ‘just do it’ We have the active engagement of the Lorn Medical Centre We have the full support of Atlantis Leisure We have a modern regional hospital with the attendant health professionals and departments WE NO LONGER SEE A CHALLENGE, WE SEE A RESPONSIBILITY
HEALTHY OPTIONS WHY DO IT? Who are our clients? 61% had more than one chronic condition, of those 9% having four or more chronic conditions. 20 conditions were identified, the top 6 being obesity, orthopaedic, mental health, high blood pressure, inactivity, respiratory problems. 39% were on one or more welfare benefits and received their Healthy Options programmes completely free of charge.
A special DYNAMIC relationship Healthy Options Health Professionals Atlantis Leisure OUR 40% Social entrepreneurs Health professionals Highly qualified staff Skilled, experienced, motivated Lorn Medical Centre + GP Surgeries Lorn & Oban Hospital 25 Health professionals involved with HO ‘programme & patients’ team Passionate about patients Community owned, community built, community run Nationally recognised exemplar for community sport ‘Be the best you can be in sport, health & wellbeing’ Our clients are an equal partner
What we do Funding partners Delivery Partners Our clients Our volunteers An innovative approach: Our relationship with clients Our partnership with health professionals Our relationship with Atlantis and delivery partners Our wider role, education and awareness
Our innovative relationship with clients Funding partners Delivery Partners Our clients Our volunteers Our ‘40%’ (clients) are our concern, our focus and also our biggest asset First contact at Lorn Medical Centre, co-design social prescriptions Stage 1 high level support, stage 2 moving towards self-care A full year of support Social Prescriptions – centre based, community based, home based - available throughout the week to suit ALL clients Opportunities for fellowship and to socialise ‘built in’ Programme development is mostly client led Clients willing to become volunteers – peer support, walk leaders, advocates
Our innovative partnership with health professionals Funding partners Delivery Partners Our clients Our volunteers 25 health professionals have participated in our ‘programme & patients’ team resulting in: Changes to the cardiac and pulmonary community programmes Establishing progressive programme from treatment to self-care HO staff and volunteers participate in NHS training programmes Establishing a (world class) exercise programme for individuals with MS Developing ‘Move Well’ classes Developing ‘Perfect Posture’ classes Falls prevention rural community pilot Counterweight rural community pilot
Medical treatment to managing self-care
Our wider role – Education and Awareness Funding partners Delivery Partners Our clients Our volunteers Delivering activity sessions at Active Ageing event; U3A event; Housing Association tenants event, Breathe Easy group, Advocacy programme, speaking to community groups Oban Health Fair – 9 activities to take part in; Market Street with 16 stalls of health related groups Volunteer programme – A Healthier YOU a Healthier COMMUNITY ‘Community Step Challenge’ ‘Pink Aerobics’ Delivering bespoke programmes for company employees Created Healthy Options zone - information on active healthy lifestyle; ties in with national campaigns; diet/weight management; Recipes and healthy eating – being developed as a mobile resource for 2015
Our innovative relationship with Atlantis Leisure Funding partners Delivery Partners Our clients Our volunteers Introducing a new client group to Atlantis Developing the gym, making it user friendly to Healthy Options clients Developing Atlantis staff, up-skilling and new qualifications Atlantis staff co-delivering Healthy Options programmes Atlantis staff volunteering with Healthy Options and now qualified walk leaders From an ‘over 50’s’ class once a week to an ‘Active Life’ programme 9 activities Mondays, 8 activities Wednesdays Specialised gym equipment being sourced for Healthy Options clients
Making a Difference Healthy Options Funding partners Delivery Partners Our clients Our volunteers Key Learning: Complexity of medical conditions Health benefits to clients Engagement and support of health professionals Clients willingness to volunteer Atlantis responding to client group and community need Less than 2 FTE employees can support 130+ clients per year Qualified, motivated, dedicated staff are key
Making a Difference Healthy Options Funding partners Delivery Partners Our clients Our volunteers For our clients “I can now do more activities. I had spent a whole day on the beach with my grandchildren one day over the summer. Prior to Healthy Options I would not have been able.” “I was out of hospital, it was the next step forward. I could go to a gym! I could put a tracksuit on rather than pyjamas! It was psychologically a huge barrier to break – to return to the real world. I didn’t realise it at the time, but looking back at it that was a huge thing.”
Making a Difference Healthy Options Funding partners Delivery Partners Our clients Our volunteers From a health professionals perspective “More and more of my colleagues are realising the value – people who have engaged with Healthy Options don’t come back into our services because they don’t need to”. “Healthy Options has also been of great benefit in measurable ways for some patients who have had problems with conditions such as chronic fatigue and low mood. I think it has helped some of them function better, get back to work, and improved their mood significantly”.
Lorn & Oban Healthy Options Ltd. Registered in Scotland No. SC Registered Charity No. SC Extending health into the community a 2-year pilot project funded by: