Broader Impacts: Meaningful Links between Research and Societal Benefits October 23, 2014 Martin Storksdieck I Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning.


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Presentation transcript:

Broader Impacts: Meaningful Links between Research and Societal Benefits October 23, 2014 Martin Storksdieck I Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning I

Intellectual Merit versus Broader Impact Intellectual Merit: How research advances science, math and engineering You are talking to your colleagues! Broader Impact: How your work benefits society in other ways than advancing your field, discipline, sub-discipline, topic. Why should society fund you? Why should Congress care? This CAN include dramatic advances of our understanding of the world. Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning

Broader Impacts Defined Communicating research to diverse publics in order to build a more scientifically literate and technically competent society. Training the next generation of professionals and academics especially in STEM fields. Broadening the participation of underrepresented groups. Enhancing infrastructure for research and education. Creating innovative new business opportunities. Other strategies for advancing society’s health & well-being. Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning

Recent Changes to NSF Guidelines Advance knowledge and specific desired societal outcomes. Explore creative, original, or potentially transformative concepts. A clear plan based on a sound rationale and research. A mechanism for assessing success. A qualified individual, team, or organization. Sufficient resources to carry out proposed activities. Efforts that can be aggregated and/or are part of an institution wide-effort. Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning

I want to do my research, not outreach! My research is important, but there’s not enough time or money to do Broader Impacts My research really matters and I’ll make sure everyone benefits!

Think Broadly Training and Inclusion Youth Solving Problems Citizen Science Communicate Business Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning

OSU’s Invitational Workshop – December 2012 OPPORTUNITIES 1)Supporting OSU’s Mission as a Land Grant University; 2)Positioning OSU for Success; and 3)Supporting the OSU Strategic Plan and Research Agenda. CHALLENGES 1)Culture and Rewards 2)Capacity and Tradeoffs 3)Connections and Maximizing Existing Capacity A strategic approach to broader impacts to improve competitiveness Identify the specific tools & supports investigators need Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning

Vision Constant connection between the intellectual enterprise to providing public value. Use OSU resources toward a healthier planet, healthier people and a healthier economy. Provide faculty with tools, incentives, and rewards to maximize benefits of their work. Integrate “intellectual merit”, “broader impacts” and financial sustainability. Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning

Recommendations Action Research Development Office Administrative Leadership Boots on the Ground Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning

Your Role – The Basics Excel at Broader Impacts – be competitive Find the right partners and include them early Tap into existing resources Design activities in context Determine your long-term broader impacts goals! Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning

We are here to help! [And we are not the only ones] Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning Talk to us: