Introductory Paragraphs Informative Essay
Thursday, 2/5/15 Goal: I can introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow Homework: Introduction paragraph due Monday 2/9 Materials: Laptop When done: Find your paragraphs in the Outbox
Start broad and general. Use an attention grabbing hook Narrow down to topicIntroduce the topicThesis A good introduction
Attention Grabbing Techniques Quotation French epicure Anthelme Brillat-Savarin remarked two hundred years ago, “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.” This relationship between good health and diet has been confirmed by modern science. Millions of Americans suffer from obesity, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and food allergies – all ailments linked to ingredients in our food products. Consequently, four out of five U.S. adults indicate they “pay attention” to the ingredient lists and nutritional information on food labels, and two out of three say they use the information to avoid or limit their consumption of certain items. One can learn to eat healthier by reading food labels.
Attention Grabbing Techniques Rhetorical Question What’s the calorie difference between “light” and “reduced calorie” yogurt? How many servings are in a sixteen ounce bottle of soda? Being able to answer both of these questions requires knowledge of food labeling. More and more Americans are reading the information on food labels. In fact, four out of five U.S. adults indicate they “pay attention” to the ingredient lists and nutritional information on food labels, and two out of three say they use the information to avoid or limit their consumption of certain items. One can learn to eat healthier by reading food labels.
Attention Grabbing Techniques Specific Example Patricia Morris is a typical American consumer. Each time she shops at her neighborhood Safeway, she wants to purchase delicious, nutritionally adequate food at a reasonable price. Therefore, like many other consumers, Patricia reads food labels and comparison shops. More and more Americans are reading the information on food labels. In fact, four out of five U.S. adults indicate they “pay attention” to the ingredient lists and nutritional information on food labels, and two out of three say they use the information to avoid or limit their consumption of certain items. One can learn to eat healthier by reading food labels.
Attention Grabbing Techniques Startling Statement or Statistic “Americans are nutritionally ignorant,” asserts David Kessler, Chairman of the Food and Drug Administration. Despite this lack of nutritional understanding, Kessler notes that more and more Americans are reading the information on food labels. Until recently, understanding that information was a serious challenge for consumers. However, the Food and Drug Administration has established new rules governing what and how nutritional information is presented to consumers. Now it is possible to learn to eat healthier by reading the label.
Attention Grabbing Techniques Quotation Rhetorical Question Specific Example Startling Statement or Statistic Start broad and general. Use an attention grabbing hook Narrow down to topicIntroduce the topicThesis
Social Problem Article Structure Introduction / Thesis WHAT Body Paragraph Pictures can go anywhere in the article WHO Body Paragraph Infographic WHY Body Paragraph Picture and Caption SOLUTIONS/US Body Paragraph Picture and Caption Conclusion