NEW CUSTOMER QUESTIONNAIRE Welcome to the Juice Plus+ community and CONGRATULATIONS for beginning your journey down the road to better health. As your representative, it is my goal to offer you great customer care and additional educational opportunities to support your healthier lifestyle. It is also my hope that Juice Plus+ meets, and even exceeds, your expectations. For that reason, if you could spend a couple minutes filling out the information below, it will help me to serve you better. Name_________________________Start Date:_______________ 1. Why did you make the decision to start the Juice Plus+ Complete Transformation? 2. What expectations do you have from this new start? 3. What do you expect from me in the way of support? 4. What is the best way to communicate with you?
1.Eat Better – especially more fruits & vegetables Juice Plus+ bridges the gap between what we should eat and what we actually do eat - every day. A “Metabolic Reprogramming” occurs when we consume Juice Plus+ daily. We begin to crave healthier food choices, which creates a lifestyle transformation rather than temporary results. The Juice Plus+ Trio blend will fulfill the need your body has for micronutrients; they build, repair and protect our cells. The Juice Plus+ Complete shakes provide essential macronutrients; they fuel your body and are your energy source. Consuming both on a daily basis provides the perfect balance of high quality nutrition that will, in turn, lead you to permanent, healthier dietary choices. 2.Add Exercise to Your Life & Make it a Habit The benefits of exercise are too numerous to count. What’s the best exercise? The one you will do! Even walking briskly for minutes 5 days per week will improve health. Find an activity you enjoy and make it part of your daily routine. 3.Drink Plenty of Water Every Day Water is essential for good health. Among its many functions, water transports the nutrients within our bodies. Proper hydration plays a role in not only how you feel, but also in how you look. The rule of thumb is to drink ½ of your body weight in ounces per day. 4.Reduce Your Stress Level Improving your diet and developing an exercise routine can help you better manage stress. Getting enough rest and relaxation is also important. A healthy state of mind and a good night’s sleep are essential to better health. 5.Find the Right Balance Obviously, the more rapidly you incorporate changes, the faster you’ll improve your overall health. But there are no quick fixes. The goal is to make changes that will last, ultimately creating a Complete Lifestyle Transformation. PR2