How Smoking Can Harm You By Brooks McVicker, Joey Warrick, and Morgan McCarthy
Smoking Can….. Give you lung cancer. Hurt your kid’s lungs. Infect the air around you. KILL YOU!
Things Used in Cigarettes * Nicotine: a deadly poison * Arsenic: used in rat poison * Methane: a component of rocket fuel * Ammonia: found in floor cleaner * Cadmium: used in batteries * Carbon Monoxide: part of car exhaust * Formaldehyde: used to preserve body tissue * Butane: lighter fluid * Hydrogen Cyanide:the poison used in gas chambers A cigarette contains about 4000 chemicals, many of which are poisonous. The most poisonous ones are to your left. A lot of these chemicals cause cancer.
Smoking has many hazards and poisons. Smoking may smell good but all your doing is hurting yourself and hurting your future. Do your lungs a favor and don’t smoke to set your future to a longer and healthier life.
These are a non-smoker’s lungs.
These are a smoker’s lungs.
Thanks To: Support Mark Freeman Nicola Jones Paul McWhorter