Journey to school Survey Results
Thanks ► Thanks for your replies ► Thanks to all those who got your parents involved ► Revisit online survey on ELE in June
How many replied Number% Y7129/24353 Y886/24335 Y993/21443 Y1084/23236 Y1174/22733 Y1258/14640 Y1334/11230 Staff64/16838
Walking: Target to increase ► Walking ► Children who walk regularly are less at risk from heart disease, stroke, diabetes and osteoporosis when they are older. Yet 4 out of 10 boys and 6 out of 10 girls are active for less than an hour per day. ► The decline in walking to school has coincided with a rise in childhood obesity, with the proportion of overweight children increasing by 7 per cent between 1996 and ► Making moderate exercise an integral part of a child's day, through a walk to and from school, is an excellent way to guard against excess weight and improve general health. ► Walking is already popular with the majority of pupils who live close to their schools, but should be encouraged in others as a key means of improving health and easing congestion.
Cycling: Target to increase ► Cycling ► Only 1 per cent of pupils overall (and 2 per cent of secondary children) cycle to school. ► One of the key reasons behind this is concern over road safety, but evidence shows that the health benefits of cycling far outweigh the risks. ► For cycling to become more attractive, local transport and education authorities must work together with schools to develop strategies that combine 'hard' and 'soft' measures. ► Hard measures include engineering works on and off the highway such as traffic calming and the creation of safer routes, as well as school infrastructure such as secure cycle parking, lockers, showers and changing facilities.
Results Mode of TravelActual Mode (number)% Preferred Mode (number)% car cycle moped other71336 public bus school bus school taxi walk
How do you travel? How would you like to travel?
Why do we use cars so much?
And adults?
Possible Solutions-Bid for Funding ► Better access gates, away from cars ► Lockers-Cycle Sheds-Showers ► Better Cycle Routes ► Suggestions – use website-information- school journey page ► Travel Plan on website
S Block Gate
Consider healthier, greener option ► But remain safe ► Remember – don’t go on the road gate at S Block or H Block ► Use the pedestrian gates ► Don’t stand near the gates and force people into the road ► Car users-walk further and avoid the jams