Greening the office space A few small steps… …to reduce your footprint
Read your s on screen Use over hard-copy whenever possible Save documents instead of printing them Back-up your with a thumb drive Avoid using coversheets Use as small a font as is legible Try printing on both sides Downsizing your printer dependence
Try to remember to recycle at all times Remember to recycle your cardboard Reuse single-sided paper for non- official printing Give recycled content paper a chance Recycling your paper waste
Upload assignments to LATTE Use the student Upload feature on LATTE for assignments Use the word tracking feature in Microsoft Word Class Reduction
Familiarize yourself with your computer’s power-save options Use the sleep function over screen savers Turn off Computer components whenever possible and keep power cords unplugged Use Energy-Star products when fiscally plausible Turn off all computer peripherals (eg speakers, printers..) Place all computer items on a single switch Computer Usage
Turn out lights when they are unnecessary Use fluorescent bulbs whenever possible Day-lighting is conducive to good working habits Lighting Reduction
Energy Myths Myth: Screen Savers are your best energy bet Myth: Frequent turning on and off of your computer will lower its life expectancy Myth: Turning off your computer uses more energy than leaving it in hibernate Fact: Screen savers were originally developed to prevent the permanent etching of a pattern on older monochrome monitors. The same protection occurs when you place the monitor in a low power "sleep" mode. Avoiding the use of screensavers on LCD and CRT displays can reduce power usage while away from your computer by watts Fact: Hard disks in PCs older than 10 years did not automatically park their heads when shut off, leading to disk damage from frequent on/off power cycling. Newer PCs are designed to handle over 40,000 on/off cycles, a number unlikely to be reached during an MIT computer's typical four-to-six-year life span. Fact: The surge of power when a computer is turned off lasts a few seconds and is insignificant compared to the sustained energy used in keeping it on during periods of inactivity
On Campus Sustainability Please Direct further Questions towards our on-campus Sustainability Coordinator Janna Cohen-Rosenthal. Ext Your Faculty Administrator can also help with any paper allotment needs that you may have (i.e. switching to recycled paper content. Thanks for your time
Works Cited Simpson, Walter. “Guide to Green Computing.” The State University of New York at Buffalo: UB Green October “Take Action.” Harvard University Office for Sustainability October “Guidelines for Personal Computer Energy Savings.” Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Information Services and Technology. August October “‘Green’ Computing Guide.” Ohio University October “University of Oregon Green Computing Guide.” University of Oregon. 22 October 2008.