Virginia Junior Academy of Science Presentation Overview Spring 2013
2Confidential Introduction Welcome to the Virginia Junior Academy of Science! We look forward to seeing your research projects at our conference at Virginia Tech The following document has been compiled based on the VJAS Committee’s past experience presenting research with an objective to provide guidance on the presentations –We will discuss the overall flow of the presentation –We have provided a sample PowerPoint template for students’ presentations –We have also provided additional presentation tips If you have any additional questions, we will be available to answer those questions at the assembly on [tbd date]
3Confidential Overview General Tips Sample PowerPoint Template Presentation Tips
4Confidential The flow of the presentation Section Chair introduces Presenter Speaker presents Section Chair will ask if Judges have questions Judges Q&A Section Chair will ask if others have questions General Q&A Section Chair Closes
5Confidential The number one rule of any presentation is to own the content- you are the person who knows your project the best Face your audience directly …. and … Maintain Eye Contact
6Confidential Professional Attire makes a presenter more confident Professional AttireCasual Attire YesNo
7Confidential Overview General Tips Sample PowerPoint Template Presentation Tips
Author School Date Title
9Confidential Introduction Explain the background concepts that your audience needs to understand your research Describe why you chose your project and its purpose State the question and concise objectives
10Confidential Experimental or Project Design State the independent (manipulated) variable –Levels of the independent variable –Control group State the dependent (responding) variable Note the constants Note the repeated trials State your hypothesis
11Confidential Methods and Materials Outline the steps you used and the materials you needed to collect your data Use pictures to describe your procedure when possible and then describe the pictures to your audience Include the safety guidelines you followed
12Confidential Results Summary Data (do not show raw data) that you present should include: –Numerical Data (see next slide for tips on graphs) Tables, Charts, Graphs, or Pictures and Photographs –Verbal Summary A summary of your findings with reference to the applicable tables, graphs, or pictures
13Confidential Bar charts are for comparing countable data between categories or over time Group 1 Group 2 Results of Analysis Footnote: [Any footnote you feel is necessary] Note that all values are to the same decimal place, even if the decimal place is zero Keep this slide simple without additional text to avoid confusing your message
14Confidential Results (Data Analysis) Evaluate the data presented for general trends and variability, using an appropriate method of analysis, such as –Measure of Central tendency –Measure of variation –Statistical Analysis Demonstrate an understanding of the analysis you used, by describing: –How it was done –What it means
15Confidential Discussion This is where you interpret your results –State major findings –Compare your findings to other research Your statistical analysis should support the conclusions that you are able to draw from your data and the explanations that you propose Be sure to include the major reasons (including any necessary citations) that explain the major trends found in your data
16Confidential Conclusions State your conclusions clearly and concisely State whether the hypothesis is accepted or rejected Suggest any improvements that could be made What are the ‘next steps’ in your research?
17Confidential Literature Cited The sources you used should be cited –This can be done in a separate slide of on each slide where it is necessary as a footer in the slide
18Confidential Acknowledgements This slide is reserved for those individuals that you would like to thank
19Confidential Overview General Tips Sample PowerPoint Template Presentation Tips
20Confidential PowerPoint Advice Do use color but be careful that the text is legible once projected (avoid fluorescent colors and red) Do use a font that is easily legible Avoid animation; yes, it is a neat tool and demonstrates your familiarity with PowerPoint but it is not professional Do use pictures and other visuals; feel free to show a picture of you completing your research Do not read your slides; Eye contact is much more powerful Do keep your slides simple with 4-5 key points Practice your presentation ahead of time in front of family members, classmates, or friends Remember that you need to tell your audience what you’re going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them
21Confidential Colors that work in PowerPoint Black/White Navy Forest Green Bright Yellow Bright Red Orange Light Pink Lilac Highlighter Green Colors that WorkColors that do not Work These colors are difficult to read from a distance
22Confidential Fonts that work in PowerPoint Arial Times New Roman Bookman Helvetica Bradley Hand ITC Script MT Bold Forte Gill Sans MT Papyrus Felix titling Fonts that WorkFonts that do not Work These fonts are difficult to read from a distance Once you select a font, be sure that you use it throughout your presentation
23Confidential Animation is really left best to cartoons Animation is very distracting to your audience –They will be watching the effects and often stop listening