Requirements of the Standard MSDSLabeling WrittenProgram InventoryTraining
HOW TO CONDUCT A WORKPLACE INVENTORY u Identify Materials By Department. u Note Operations Performed Dept. By Dept. u Look at Labeling. u Identify Material by Processes. u Look at materials use by other Contractors. u Look at materials on site and in storage. u Look in all areas.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) u Purpose u What Information they provide u Readily accessible/complete/retain u Someone responsible
Labeling u Purpose u What information is required u Accessible/Legible/in English u Types; Mfg.’s, HMIS, NFPA u Someone responsible ZipCleaner
Manufacturers Label n n Mfg.’s Name/Address n n Product Name n n Physical Warnings n n Health Hazard Warnings Including Target Organs Zip Cleaner XYZ Company PO Box 1 Anytown, OH Flammable, Avoid Prolong Breathing
In House Label n n Product Name n n Physical Hazards n n Health Hazard Warnings Including Target Organs Zip Cleaner Flammable, Avoid prolonged breathing.
Health Hazard 4-Deadly 3-Extremely Hazardous 2-Hazardous 1-Slightly Hazardous 0-Normal material Specific Hazard Oxidizer OXY Acid ACID Alkali ALK Corrosive COR Use NO WATER W Radiation Hazard Chemical Name Fire Hazard Flash Points 4-Below 73 F 3-Below 100 F 2-Below 200 F 1-Above 200 F 0-Will not burn Reactivity 4-May detonate 3-Shock and heat may detonate 2-Violent chemical change 1-Unstable if heated 0-Stable NFPA Label (blue) (red) (yellow) (white)
Personal Protective Equipment Reactivity Flammability Health HMIS LABEL Chemical Name:______________________________ (blue) (red) (yellow) (white)
Employee Training u General Training u Specific Training
General Training u Hazard Communication Standard u Employer’s Written Program u Location/Availability Of Written Program & MSDS u How to read labels & MSDS’s
Specific Training u Characteristics u Health & Safety Hazards u Work practices or SOPs u Emergency action plans u Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) u Non-routine tasks u Industrial Hygiene monitoring results
Written Program u Must be developed, implemented & maintained u A blueprint for how the requirements will be met u Readily accessible HazCommProgram
Miscellaneous u Non-Routine Tasks u Piping Systems u Contractors/ Multi-Employer Worksites
Summary u What is Hazcom? u Why was the Hazcom Standard implemented? u What are the 4 major elements of our written Hazcom program? u Why is a workplace inventory important? u What is the purpose of an MSDS?
Summary (continued) u Where do we keep MSDSs & Written Program? u Who is responsible for maintaining MSDS in your area? u What labeling system do we use? u Why do we need MSDS and labeling? u Why do we train on Hazcom? u What’s the difference between General and Specific training?