DBSYSTEMS 1 of 23 Chapter 6 DB System Development: Forms and Reports 1 Based on G. Post, DBMS: Designing & Building Business Applications University of Manitoba Asper School of Business 3500 DBMS Bob Travica Updated 2015
DBSYSTEMS 2 of 23 Forms = input and output screens Reports = output screens & paper The topic of forms & reports relates to building a DB system - user interface & “applications” (outputs that satisfy organizational information needs) An important step in system development Basic Concepts
DBSYSTEMS 3 of 23 Uses of Forms Collect Data Display Query Results Display Analysis and Computations Switchboard for other Forms and Reports
DBSYSTEMS 4 of 23 Human Factors Design (Recall knowledge of SA&D!) User Control Match user tasks. Application responds to user control & events. User customization Consistency Layout design & colors Actions Clarity Language used Graphical elements used Organization of elements Aesthetics Symmetry, balance of elements Shapes & colors
DBSYSTEMS 5 of 23 Human Factors Design “Forgiveness” Anticipation and correction of errors Confirmation on delete and updates Backup and recovery Feedback to user Methods Visual Text Audio Uses Acceptance of input Changes to data Completion of tasks Events / Activation
DBSYSTEMS 6 of 23 Graphical User Interface Standards MS Windows Interface: Navigation and Choices Mouse, Icons clicking Keyboard, Short-cuts Menus Manipulation methods: Point & click Drag and Drop Touch screen System feedback to user: Progress indicators and status gauges Flashing Tool tips Status bar Message forms…
DBSYSTEMS 7 of 23 Usability of User Interface A special method within the human factors approach Started at Sun Microsystems (Jacob Nielsen) Usability testing consists of measuring certain dimensions of user- computer interaction while the user performs a task: 1.Navigation errors around a screen or across screens (menus’ links, menu form [pull-down, tabs], screen design (clickable icons) in using a new interface 2.Time on Task 3.Learning speed 4.Knowledge retention 5.Satisfaction (subjective, qualitative)
DBSYSTEMS 8 of 23 The goal of usability testing is to identify problematic parts of user interface that need improvement. Simple Usability Test Get the user use an important input of output screen Ask the user to speak aloud as s/he is working with the form Record errors in navigation, time on task, and user‘s comments Ask the user how s/he feels about working with that screen, and why so If you identify problems, that already is a finding Think of ways of eliminating problems – redesign; usability test can`t give solutions.
DBSYSTEMS 9 of 23 Interface / Accessibility - Usability for Physically Challenged Persons Recommendations based on empirical data: Beware of Red/Green indifference for some people (avoid to base the meaning to be conveyed on differentiating these). Avoid requiring rapid user responses. Avoid rapid flashing on the screen. Give options to users ( color, typefaces, fonts) Make users feel in control (locus of control dimension)
DBSYSTEMS 10 of 23 Windows Interface Window components Frame (sizing) Title bar Control-menu box Buttons Maximize Minimize Close Scroll box (thumb) Scroll bar
DBSYSTEMS 11 of 23 Message Box (A Simple Form) Message Forms (“Boxes”) Title Message text Buttons Images
DBSYSTEMS 12 of 23 Form Layout Types of Forms Tabular Single Row Sub-forms (one-to-many) Switchboard Controls Form Properties Form Events Form Order 11Dog5 7Dog1 13Cat2 Item
DBSYSTEMS 13 of 23 Tabular Form Works best for single table. Designer can control data entry sequence. Probably include buttons for sorting.
DBSYSTEMS 14 of 23 Single Row (Columnar) Form Data for only one row. Legible Designer can set optimal layout. Similar in appearance to paper forms. Can use color, graphics, and command buttons to make the form easier to use. Note the navigation buttons (consider implementing them)
DBSYSTEMS 15 of 23 Sub-Forms Typically a one-to-many relationship. Subform contents are linked to the main form through a common column (not displayed on the subform.) Can have multiple subforms (Independent or Nested).
DBSYSTEMS 16 of 23 Switchboard Form Role of main menu & sub- menus. Graphical elements (Logo) Purposes: Identify user Choose Task - serves as main menu Switchboard or Tab – it is the question now!
DBSYSTEMS 17 of 23 Menu Design 1.Setup Choices 2.Data Input 3.Print Reports 4.Utilities 5.Backups Main Menu Weekly Sales Reports Daily Sales Reports Friday Sales Meeting Sales Prospects Exit Sales Hard to understandMore legible, organized by user tasks.
DBSYSTEMS 18 of 23 Use of Forms for Query Clerk enters a CustomerID. Stored in the Order table. Query joins Sale and Customer. Automatically matches the CustomerID. Matching name is displayed on the form. Do not include the join column (CustomerID) from Customer. Customer Order 1234 OrderID 17 CustomerID 7/25/01 Date
DBSYSTEMS 19 of 23 Controls on Forms (Basic) LabelText boxOption group Toggle buttonOption buttonCheck box Combo boxList boxCommand button PictureUnbound objectBound object Page breakTab controlSubform LineBoxMore controls
DBSYSTEMS 20 of 23 Basic Controls Label Text Box Option Group (single response) Combo Box (click arrow to open) List Box (always open) Command Button