Trust Interim EPR Developments. Paul Crane-Whatmore. ICT Project Manager. Anne Spencer. Nursing and Midwifery Informatician. Southern Institute for Health Informatics. Friday 30 th September 2005.
Presentation Objectives. Why the ‘Interim’ EPR? What are the current contributing systems? EPR Repository (Data Warehouse). Electronic Discharge Summaries. Electronic requesting of Pathology. EPR - Current roll out plans. Future developments. Challenges. Benefits.
Geographical overview Royal Hospital Haslar (RHH) Gosport. St. Marys Hospital Portsmouth. Queen Alexandra (QAH) Cosham, Portsmouth.
Why the ‘Interim’ EPR? (EPR) Electronic Patient Record. Today – Multiple systems (and passwords!) EPR offers a ‘single view’ of multiple systems. Growing clinical need for an EPR: Clinicians benefit from a ‘bigger picture’. Users have less systems to access. Information from the EPR can feed Electronic Discharge Summaries. ‘Interim’ until ‘NPfIT’.
The Reality in Practice.
Current Contributing Systems. EPR is based in the Graphnet application. Today, the EPR is being developed to provide: EPR Repository (Data Warehouse). Graphnet based Departmental workflows. Workflow generated E-Discharge Summaries. Electronic Pathology Requesting via Anglia. Interface from Graphnet EPR to Anglia Requesting.
EPR Repository (Data Warehouse). Graphnet EPR Front End. PAS. Pathology Requests & Results (Anglia & Apex). (RIS) Radiology Reports. MAU* ‘Workflow’ Clinical Notes. MAU* ‘Workflow’ Clinical Notes. (and others over time). Singular View & Input. User input to existing systems. Today, Data is received from feeds at PHT/RHH. Improvements being made in ‘matching’. * MAU (Medical Assessment Unit)
Electronic Discharge Summaries. Extension of workflow application used in MAU. Workflow enhances bed management. Clinical patient data captured. Workflow drives the patient journey. By adding TTO data the workflow can produce an Electronic Discharge Summary. Discharge summaries live in MAU (400 p/w). Future requirement to send electronically to GP.
Input Screen Output Document
Electronic Requesting of Pathology. Allows Pathology tests to be requested ‘on line’ as opposed to handwritten form filling. Offers users customisable test sets (profiles). User can maintain their own patient lists. Requests can be made in advance of the event. Improved data inwards to Pathology. Samples scanned in upon receipt at laboratory. In development: Interface linking to Graphnet.
EPR - Current Roll Out Plans. EPR Repository (Data Warehouse): To be piloted in MAU – work in progress. Theoretically available Trust Wide. Workflow based Electronic Discharge Summaries: Live in MAU, since May Customisation required to move beyond MAU.
EPR - Current Roll Out Plans. Electronic Requesting of Pathology: Live in Renal. Current deployment to Critical Care (DCCQ). Further deployments in 05/06 programme. Ultimately will link to Graphnet workflow. Other departmental workflows: Live in MAU. Developing in : Dermatology, Oncology, ENT. Futures: Colposcopy, Rheumatology (amongst others).
Future Developments – Application. Application Software: Further enhancements of e-discharge document. Workflow / E-discharge beyond MAU. Electronic transmission of e-discharge. Interface other departmental systems to EPR. Completion of departmental workflow documents. Completion of interface to Pathology requesting.
Future Developments – Geography. Geography: Workflow / E-discharge – Medical Division. ‘Self service’ launches of EPR Repository. Accelerate electronic pathology requesting roll out.
Challenges. Patient matching from disparate systems. Clinical engagement and awareness of the bigger picture (CfH). Training: Resources. Differing training approaches. High volume. Funding – client & other ward hardware. Lack of IT resources in some clinical areas. Ergonomics.
Benefits. Single point of access to Trust systems. Singular view of multiple Trust systems. Legible discharge summaries – (Legible discharge summaries). Improved quality of management information. Timely provision of patient information offering: Improved patient care / clinical governance. Enhanced clinical decision making. Supports Pathology ‘demand management’.
Summary. ‘Interim’ EPR prior to ‘Connecting for Health’. The EPR consists of: EPR Repository (Data Warehouse). Departmental Workflows. E-Discharge summaries. Electronic Requesting of Pathology. Future work to increase scope of Repository. Roll out to continue beyond MAU. Challenges ahead, but benefits to be realised.
Question and Discussion Period. Southern Institute for Health Informatics. Friday 30 th September