A typology of operators for maintaining legible map designs at multiple scales. Cartographic Perspectives Na Li Maa Topographic Data and Maps
Multi-scale mapping The cartographic practice of providing integrated and legible map designs of the same geographic themes at all desired output scales.
ScaleMaster Diagram A schematic for organizing scale dependnt design specification for a multi-scale mapping project.
Operator & Algorithm Operator is an abstract or generic description of the type of modifcation that can be applied when changing scale. Algorithm is a particular implementation of the operator.
Multiscale mapping operators Content Geometry Symbol Label
Examples Cc (Content –Reclassify): Revision to the grouping of features beased on their attributes.
Gd (Geometry—Display) Adjustement to the location of a feature to avoid coalescence with adjancet features while maintaining topology.
Which operator?
Conclusion ScaleMaster Diagram and a typology of the multiscale mapping operators can facilitate the future of multiscale mapping. Research suggestion: how to implement ”ScaleMaster as a Service” and ”ScaleMaster as an Interface” The science of multiscale mapping needs to catch up to its practices in order to understand how best to apply the available multiscale mapping operators across map scales and map theme.
Literature: Roth, R., Brewer, C. & Stryker, M. (2011) A typology of operators for maintaining legible map designs at multiple scales. Cartographic Perspectives, Number 68:
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