T HE B RITISH N ATIONAL C URRICULUM An introduction: Content, structure, assessment and 2014 reforms.


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Presentation transcript:

T HE B RITISH N ATIONAL C URRICULUM An introduction: Content, structure, assessment and 2014 reforms

O BJECTIVES Be familiar with the background Know what the National Curriculum contains Understand the structure of it Grasp how learning is assessed within the NC using curriculum levelling Practise NC levelling

T HE BACKGROUND Education Reform Act 1988 Improve the teaching and learning standards in UK (coherence, comprehensiveness, continuity) Standardise the content and quality of education Homogenise schools of different LEAs (local education authorities) in order to create quantifiable data to judge the comparative effectiveness of different schools Generate a league tables to give parents more of a choice in which school their children are educated within the framework of Thatcher’s free market philosophy Private schools and Academies are independent of the NC.

K EY S TAGES Key StageAge YearsSchool 15 – 7 years old 1 and 2Infants 27 – 11 years old 3 - 6Juniors 311 – 14 years old 7 - 9High 414 – 16 years old High



Main Levels

 A - has comprehensively and consistently grasped expectations in this level and is moving towards the next level.  B - is securely working at this level.  C – is able to meet some of the expectations at this level most of the times.



End ofLevel Year 11a Year 22b Year 32a Year 43c Year 53a Year 64b Year 75c Year 85a Year 96b Year 107b (GCSE grade C) Year 118c (GCSE grade B)

 Use standardised tests (QCAs, SATs, etc)  Get pupils to sit all parts/papers of the test  Follow the marking scheme cautiously  Moderate your marking by getting colleagues to check your marking  Use the pupil progress indicator as a yardstick  Veer slightly towards conservative

 Use teacher assessments to calculate levels  Mark tests without the marking scheme  Make up your own thresholds and scales to calculate levels  Have enormous discrepancies with the pupil progress indicator  Be overly generous

L ITERACY CURRICULUM AREAS WHICH ARE ASSESSED Speaking and listening Reading Writing

W HAT AREAS TO LOOK FOR WHEN LEVELLING WRITING Spellings Punctuation Sentence openers Connectives Vocabulary Structuring Composition Handwriting






N ATIONAL CURRICULUM LEVEL DESCRIPTORS Writing Level 1 Pupils’ writing communicates meaning through simple words and phrases. In their reading or their writing, pupils begin to show awareness of how full stops are used. Letters are usually clearly shaped and correctly orientated. Level 2 Pupils’ writing communicates meaning in both narrative and non-narrative forms, using appropriate and interesting vocabulary, and showing some awareness of the reader. Ideas are developed in a sequence of sentences, sometimes demarcated by capital letters and full stops. Simple, monosyllabic words are usually spelt correctly, and where there are inaccuracies the alternative is phonetically plausible. In handwriting, letters are accurately formed and consistent in size. Level 3 Pupils’ writing is often organised, imaginative and clear. The main features of different forms of texts are used appropriately, beginning to be adapted to different readers. Sequences of sentences extend ideas logically and words are chosen for variety and interest. The basic grammatical structure of sentences is usually correct. Spelling is usually accurate, including that of common, polysyllabic words. Punctuation to mark sentences – full stops, capital letters and question marks – is used accurately. Handwriting is joined and legible. Level 4 Pupils’ writing in a range of forms is lively and thoughtful. Ideas are often sustained and developed in interesting ways, with organisation generally appropriate for purpose. Vocabulary choices are often adventurous and words are used for effect. Pupils are beginning to use grammatically complex sentences, extending meaning. Spelling, including that of polysyllabic words that conform to regular patterns, is generally accurate. Full stops, capital letters and question marks are used correctly, and pupils are beginning to use punctuation within sentences. Handwriting style is fluent, joined and legible. Level 5 Pupils’ writing is varied and interesting, conveying meaning clearly in a range of forms for different readers, using a more formal style where appropriate. Vocabulary choices are imaginative and words are used precisely. Sentences, including complex ones, and paragraphs are coherent, clear and well developed. Words with complex regular patterns are usually spelt correctly. A range of punctuation, including commas, apostrophes and inverted commas, is usually used accurately. Handwriting is joined, clear and fluent and, where appropriate, is adapted to a range of tasks. Level 6 Pupils’ writing is fluent and often engages and sustains the reader’s interest, showing some adaptation of style and register to different forms, including using an impersonal style where appropriate. Pupils use a range of sentence structures and varied vocabulary to create effects. Spelling, including that of irregular words, is generally accurate. Handwriting is neat and legible. A range of punctuation is usually used correctly to clarify meaning, and ideas are organised into paragraphs. Level 7 Pupils’ writing is confident and shows appropriate and imaginative choices of style in a range of forms. Characters and settings are developed in their narrative writing. Their non-fiction writing is coherent and gives clear points of view, taking account of different perspectives. Grammatical features and vocabulary are used accurately and effectively. Spelling is correct, including that of complex irregular words. Work is legible and attractively presented. Paragraphing and correct punctuation are used to make the sequence of events or ideas coherent and clear to the reader. Level 8 Pupils show creativity in the way they select specific features or expressions to convey effects and to interest the reader. Their narrative writing shows control of characters, events and settings, and shows variety in structure. In non-fiction, they express complex ideas clearly and present them coherently, anticipating and addressing a range of different viewpoints. Their use of vocabulary and grammar enables fine distinctions to be made or emphasis achieved. Their writing shows a clear grasp of the use of punctuation and paragraphing. Exceptional Performance Pupils’ writing is original, has shape and impact, shows control of a range of styles and maintains the interest of the reader throughout. Narratives use structure as well as vocabulary for a range of imaginative effects, and non-fiction is coherent, reasoned and persuasive, conveying complex perspectives. A variety of grammatical constructions and punctuation is used accurately, appropriately and with sensitivity. Paragraphs are well constructed and linked in order to clarify the organisation of the writing as a whole. English The National Curriculum Level Descriptions for subjects


L EVELLING YOUR P UPILS ' WORK Now take out the samples of writing you have brought written by your pupils. We are going to apply what we have learnt about curriculum levels. Looking at your child’s work against the level descriptors, which level is that work? Discuss your work.

A SSIGNMENT Level a sample of writing by 3 individual pupils independently this half term. Confer with me so I can moderate.

C HANGES TO THE N ATIONAL C URRICULUM Effective from 2014 Raise standards in line with standards in South East Asia and Scandinavia. Back to basic and focus on practical skills Some types of schools of exempt from reforms Controversies: less inclusive and immersive. Politically and financial driven. Failed elements of strategies.

E NGLISH More structured speaking and listening programmes of study. Children to be taught more practical skills like debating and public speaking. Greater development in vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and spelling. Expectations raised on certain issues - commas and apostrophes will be taught earlier. Better improvement and monitoring of handwriting - fluent, legible and speedy.

M ATHS Mental arithmetic to be improved by no use of calculators until Year 5/6. Five-year-olds will be expected to learn to count up to 100 (compared to 20 under the current curriculum) and learn number bonds to 20 (currently up to 10) By the age of early Year 5, children will be expected to know times tables up to 12x12 (currently 10x10 by the end of primary school) Simple fractions (1/4 and 1/2) will be taught from KS1, and by the end of primary school, children should be able to convert decimal fractions to simple fractions (e.g = 3/8)

S CIENCE Strong focus on scientific knowledge and language, rather than understanding the nature and methods of science in abstract terms Evolution will be taught in primary schools for the first time Non-core subjects like caring for animals will be replaced by topics like the human circulatory system

D ESIGN TECHNOLOGY More time focus on this subject in order to produce more skilled designers and engineers Better use of modern design equipment such as electronics and robotics In KS2, children will learn about how key events and individuals in design and technology have shaped the world

ICT Computing replaces Information and Communication Technology (ICT), with a greater focus on programming rather than on operating programs From age five, children will learn to write and test simple programs, and to organise, store and retrieve data From seven, they will be taught to understand computer networks, including the internet Internet safety – currently only taught from – will be taught in primary schools

L ANGUAGES Currently not statutory, a modern foreign language or ancient language (Latin or Greek) will be mandatory in KS2 Children will be expected to master basic grammar and accurate pronunciation and to converse, present, read and write in the language

 Any questions?

U SEFUL W EBSITES Department for Education The Key (curriculum levelling of work) learning/primary/literacy-English-primary/writing-samples-pre- levelled Gov.uk (Curriculum and assessment changes 2014) and-assessment-information-for-schools

T HANK Y OU for your time and attention.