ENG I: The rest of the semester: FRIDAY, 12-12: Get Practice Final Exam Complete for Monday, MONDAY, 12-15: Grade Practice Final Last Chance for Questions Prepare for Tuesday’s portion of the final TUESDAY, 12-16: WRITTEN PORTION OF THE FINAL GIVEN Yes this is a day before finals actually begin HAVE LAPTOPS READY and CHARGED.
LIST OF TERMS AND SKILLS FOR FINAL EXAM: LITERARY ANALYSIS SECTION: These are terms we defined, discussed and analyzed during the Short Story Unit in first semester Tone What is it How can it be described? Theme What is it? How should it be described? How should it NOT be described? Setting What is it, and what does it consist of? Characterization What details show the reader what type of person a character is? Symbol What is a symbol? How can I tell if something is a symbol ? How can I tell what it stands for?
POETRY SECTION OF FINAL EXAM: You’ll be given one poem on the day of the Final and asked to find its tone. Use the practice final exam to practice this.
WRITTEN SECTION: You will be required to write a paragraph responding to a question about a story you will have to read during the final. Follows the same format of the Animal Farm paragraphs we wrote in class a few weeks ago.
PARAGRAPH EXAMPLE #1: How is the husband characterized? The man was a bad example of a husband. “Although he fished from sunrise to sunset, the man caught very few fish” Why is he not catching fish it is his job. “Then, he held out the sausage, showing her evidence that the story was true.” Because he got three wishes and all he did was get a sausage. The husband is a bad husband and this is why.
PARAGRAPH EXAMPLE #2: How is the husband characterized? The husband in the story “Three Wishes” is characterized as careless. He first shows this quality when, while fishing, he catches the talking fish. Rather than examining the situation, he “set[s] the fish back into the water as gently as though it were a newborn baby” and then walks away from it. A talking fish would surely amaze anyone who comes across it, but the man is too caught up in trying to find dinner that he almost walks away from it. Also, after the fish offers the man three wishes, he quickly says “ ‘I wish for sausage!’ ” Although the fisherman was hungry, one sausage will not last him very long, and this impulsive decision shows his bad judgment. The man in this story can’t help but make bad decisions.
Written Portion of the Final: DO NOT BE TARDY. Once you are in the room, you may not talk to your classmates. Get the handout and carefully read the story and directions Write out your paragraph carefully. This must be legible or I will not grade it. There will be directions for what to do before turning the paragraph in Highlighting, underlining, etc. I can not help you write the paragraph.