Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Definition “An electronic record of health-related information on an individual that can be created, gathered, managed, and consulted by authorized clinicians and staff within one health care organization.” Source: The National Alliance for Health Information Technology Report to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology on Defining Key Health Information Technology Terms April 28, 2008
EMR Value of EMR: Performance Decision making Error elimination Cost Safety Problem solving Research
EMR Value of EMR: Improve quality and convenience of patient care Quick access to patient records from anywhere Enhance decision support, clinical alerts, reminders, compliance with practice guidelines Legible, complete documentation Interface with labs, registries, radiology systems, Safe more reliable prescribing Reduction in medical errors Source: For patients: Reduced need to fill out the same forms at each office visit Reliable point-of-care information and reminders notifying providers of important health interventions Convenience of e-prescriptions electronically sent to pharmacy Patient portals with online interaction for providers Electronic referrals allowing easier access to follow-up care with specialists
EMR Value of EMR: Improved service and satisfaction Increase patient participation in their care Improve accuracy of diagnoses and health outcomes Improve care coordination Increase practice efficiencies and cost savings Improved service and satisfaction Patient satisfaction User satisfaction Less stress Improved job satisfaction Quality of documentation Source:
CPOE Definition: “Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) is an electronic process that allows a health care provider to enter orders electronically and to manage the results of those orders.” Source: Steele, A., & DeBrow, M. (2008). Efficiency Gains with Computerized Provider Order Entry. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US). Retrieved September 4, 2014, from Dr. Albarrak: Often use rules-based methods for checking appropriateness of care
CPOE Value of CPOE: Performance Decision making Error elimination Cost Safety Problem solving Research
CPOE Value of CPOE: Reducing the potential for human error. Reducing time to care delivery. Improving order accuracy. Decreasing time for order confirmation and turnaround. Warns of Drug Interactions: Drug-Drug Drug-Allergy Drug-Food Check Dosing Source: Steele, A., & DeBrow, M. (2008). Efficiency Gains with Computerized Provider Order Entry. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US). Retrieved September 4, 2014, from
CPOE Value of CPOE: Improving clinical decision support at the point of care. Making crucial information more readily available. Improving communication among physicians, nurses, pharmacists, other clinicians, and patients Reduce duplicative testing Source: Steele, A., & DeBrow, M. (2008). Efficiency Gains with Computerized Provider Order Entry. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US). Retrieved September 4, 2014, from
Picture Archiving and Communication system (PACS) Definition “A system which enables images such as x-rays and scans to be stored electronically and viewed on screens, so health professionals can access the information and compare it with previous images more efficiently” Source: MHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement ,
PACS Value of PACS: Performance Decision making Error elimination Cost Safety Problem solving Research
PACS Value of PACS: Faster Diagnosis and treatment Virtual consultations Better decision-making It removes all the costs associated with patient transfer or cost of hard film and releases space used for storage Can be linked to the electronic patient record Remote access Will eliminate problem of lost films Source: Maximizing Patient Safety and Business Advantages of PACS Article,
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