Regina 2014 GALLOP Portal Status Update, Future Plans Greg Salmers Saskatchewan Legislative Library A Library & Research Session
Main Points Collection Jurisdictions represented Interface development English/French subject headings Promotion of Gallop Uploading frequency Future plans for development
A portal of government publications gathered and maintained by The Association of Parliamentary Libraries in Canada (APLIC). Nunvaut
New Interface Bring the design into this century The fonts are more legible The navigation is more obvious There is better use of the page space for the display
Provides access to the full text of electronic legislative and government publications held by most of Canada’s provincial and territorial legislative and parliamentary libraries and the Depository Services Program. Library of Parliament
Goals Reduce collections duplication Easier pan- jurisdiction research Make government publications more widely available for the long-term To contribute to national collections Ontario
What’s In It Coverage is based on the collection development policies of the provincial and territorial legislative libraries. May not be a complete collection of each jurisdiction’s publishing output. The collection does not include the Library of Parliament’s records. Federal publications are covered by records added by the Depository Services Program. Yukon and PEI records not included. Nunavut on their way. New items are being added monthly. Manitoba
How We Did It Built a portal (not a repository) Used free software: Lucene/Solr Aimed for as little as possible impact on contributing libraries and supporting library (Ontario) Encouraged monthly and semi- monthly updates Everyone saw a benefit in the portal Lots of discussion, pilot projects, and getting people involved Nova Scotia
What Was Difficult Six years in development and to get everyone confident to go ahead. Firewalls, copyright and ownership issues, and some consequences of having publications more openly available. Regular contributions. Some work processes had to be changed at individual libraries to ensure regular uploads.
How it Works MARC records are submitted/uploaded to Ontario where they are converted from their native form to modified Dublin Core records. Some data normalization is done during the ingestion process and some fields are added during the conversion, such as a French/English subject heading. The URL supplied in the records is followed and a copy of the target document is downloaded. The full text document of the file is captured and added to the Dublin Core metadata. The resulting file is indexed in solr.
XML document ftp / server metadata processing index Fulltext data Normalised metadata record (XML) processing server fulltext processing
Publications - Monographs - Serials - Legislative Publications - Government Publications - Government Press Releases Saskatchewan
Publications - Annual Reports - Speeches - Committee Reports - Legislative Assembly Bills - Debates - Royal Commissions/ Commissions of Enquiry Newfoundland Labrador
Nunavut Scope Aboriginal languages such as Cree, Inuktituk English and French Bilingual and multilingual Dated from 1960s onward with most since 1990s Varies by jurisdiction
Collection Size Alberta 18,873 British Columbia 88,484 Manitoba 10,651 New Brunswick 1,665 Newfoundland & Labrador 12,494 Northwest Territories 3,143 Nova Scotia 7,570 Nunavut 0 Ontario 67,568 Prince Edward Island 0 Quebec 75,412 Saskatchewan 7,499 Yukon 0 Canada DSP 145,714 Total 439,073 Quebec
Functionality Search by keyword or full‐text. Link to the electronic copies of the materials hosted by the collecting library. Limit results by jurisdiction or date. Alberta
Search by citation, title, date, language, author, call number, source Fuzzy searches Truncation Boolean Phrase Interface development is continuing.
Complete French-English subject heading translations. Work with non-western character sets. Improve uploading schedule and scope. Increase the profile of the Portal among the library community. New Brunswick What’s Next?
Promotion Successes Canned PowerPoint presentation at local, regional and provincial conferences in Alberta, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and at CLA’s preconference and CALL’s event. Vicki Whitmell article - Toronto Association of Law Libraries. Very positive article - University of Western Ontario web site. Education Institute Webinar – October 2014.
A Successful Collaboration Northwest Territories