What is communication? The purpose : transmission & reception of Information An idea or information not conveyed or used is an unnecessary burden for the mind Value of information = its exchange rate
What are the major types of communication? Types of communications WrittenOralVisual
When and where do you need to make an oral presentation? Visual Written reports Thesis presentation Progress reports Sale promotions Advertising an idea to someone with money Conference & Seminars Project presentation Etc.
Efficient way of communication When presenting a technical paper we are giving a display of our knowledge ability to apply it personality A technical presentation Informs Persuades the audience on a particular technical topic
Presentation styles There are many styles of presentations: Memorized Read Slide-based Each has advantages and disadvantages...
Memorized presentations Interactive and dynamic Enthusiasm Significant preparation Strong possibility for error Difficult for presenting technical data
Read presentations Accurate Less preparation Not very dynamic Poor for enthusing the audience Difficult for presenting technical data
Slide-based presentations Good for presenting technical data Possibility for dynamics Less interaction than a memorized talk Smaller probability of error Requires more effort than a read talk The de-facto standard for technical presentations
Project You will give a minute slide-based presentation a following questions-and-answers session Two evaluators and a peer audience
Elements of oral presentation 1. Speaker 2. Audience 3. Visual aids 4. Material
Judging Excellence in Presentation Preparedness delivery quality absence of lengthy pauses presentation length effective use of aids Clarity ease of understanding Impact ability of speaker to hold audience Response to post-talk discussion
It is easy to say what not to do during a presentation E.g., don’t read the screen don’t play with your zippers It is difficult to describe how to give a good presentation.
The 10 Commandments for giving badly presentations by David Patterson Computer Science Division, University of California-Berkeley I. Thou shalt not be neat Why waste research time preparing slides? Ignore spelling, grammar and legibility. Who cares hat 50 people think? II. Thou shalt not waste space Transparencies are expensive. If you can save five slides in each of four talks per year, you save $7.00/year! III. Thou shalt not covet bre vity Do you want to continue the stereotype that engineers can't write? Always use complete sentences, never just key words. If possible, use whole paragraphs and read every word. IV. Thou shalt not expose thy naked slides You need the suspense! Overlays are too flashy. V. Thou shalt not write large Be humble: use a small font. Important people sit in front. Who cares about the riff-raff? VI. Thou shalt not use color Flagrant use of color indicates imprecise research. It's also unfair to emphasize some words over others. VII. Thou shalt not illustrate Confucius says “A picture equals a thousand words.” Dijkstra says “Pictures are for weak minds.” VIII. Thou shalt not make eye contact You should avert eyes to show respect. Blocking screen can also add mystery. IX. Thou shalt not skip slides in a long talk You prepared the slides; people came for your whole talk; so just talk faster. Skip your summary and conclusions if necessary.
Thou shalt not practise This commendment is critical
Planning for an oral presentation Describe your audience Define your purpose Think positively Make it short Make the organization obvious Make the ideas simple and vivid Summarize and be prepared for questions
Before anything else: build your confidence Why you are excited about the subject Why you are eager to share it with your audience
Prepare for presentation Prepare an attention-getting opening Illustrate and support key points with evidences and visuals Connect key ideas Prepare a memorable close
Practice & review Strong opening Clear key points Logical flow Results achieved Credible evidence Memorable close Timing
Review your presentation visuals Clarity Relevance Eye-appeal Visibility and readability Quality Memorability
Presentation setting Inspect the room ahead of time Forget about microphones and the like Remove distractions Inspect and test the equipment Cool off the audience Appoint a volume indicator
In a Presentation Rely on the fundamentals Make a positive first impression Tune yourself to the audience Hold the attention of the audience Close your presentation to make a favorable lasting impression Have an insurance policy instead of a manuscript Use visual aids Talk loudly, slowly, and enthusiastically
Aspects of a Good Presentation We will look at five aspects of a presentation: Interest and Knowledge Organization Visual Aids Presentation Skills Response to Questions
Interest and Knowledge The prerequisites are interest and knowledge You must be interested in your topic Enthusiasm fuels enthusiasm—it is contagious Boredom is also contagious
Interest and Knowledge Example: Wireless Local Area Networks standards Must have a general knowledge of wireless and modulation Must have an in-depth knowledge of IEEE a/b/g Must have a general understanding of modulation techniques Direct-sequence spread spectrum Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing
3MT 3MT: three Minutes thesis Here: we will say: three Minutes talk Rules A single static PowerPoint slide is permitted. No slide transitions, animations or 'movement' of any description are allowed. The slide is to be presented from the beginning of the talk. No additional electronic media (e.g. sound and video files) are permitted. No additional props (e.g. costumes, musical instruments, laboratory equipment) are permitted. Presentations are limited to 3 minutes maximum and competitors exceeding 3 minutes are disqualified. Presentations are to be spoken word (eg. no poems, raps or songs). Presentations are considered to have commenced when a presenter starts their presentation through either movement or speech. English
Judging Criteria Comprehension Did the presentation provide an understanding of the background to the research question being addressed and its significance? Did the presentation clearly describe the key results of the research including conclusions and outcomes? Did the presentation follow a clear and logical sequence? Engagement Did the oration make the audience want to know more? Was the presenter careful not to trivialize or generalize their research? Did the presenter convey enthusiasm for their research? Did the presenter capture and maintain their audience's attention? Communication Was the thesis topic, key results and research significance and outcomes communicated in language appropriate to a non-specialist audience? Did the speaker avoid scientific jargon, explain terminology and provide adequate background information to illustrate points? Did the speaker have sufficient stage presence, eye contact and vocal range; maintain a steady pace; and have a confident stance? Did the presenter spend adequate time on each element of their presentation - or did they elaborate too long on one aspect or was the presentation rushed? Did the PowerPoint slide enhance the presentation - was it clear, legible and concise?
Some examples of 3MT
Coming Weeks You should use ASANA tool: You will be marked based on how you are organized and active in this tool. Thursday 19 Dec: 3MT Competition: Every member of each group has to give 3MT for the topic of the group project. Be creative Every member present his own way, no copy from other member, it is a competition. The winners of each group will compete each other. Thursday 26 Dec: Final group presentation of the project. Final report.