Math 110 online work that was due today at the start of class: Gateway Homework (turn in worksheet now, while I take roll) The Syllabus Quiz can be redone till 8 PM next Monday night, if you haven’t yet gotten 100%
PLEASE HELP US OUT WITH THIS: When you go to the open lab next door in 203, please make sure you sign in on the log sheet and enter your instructor’s name and your section number. We need to collect this information to document lab usage and ensure future funding for tutors. Removable stickers with tutoring schedules still available – grab one now and stick it on your laptop. This is section number 00 ??? My instructor’s last name is ??? (Your instructor will write this information on the whiteboard; please copy it into your notebook.)
Please CLOSE YOUR LAPTOPS and turn off and put away your cell phones. Sample Problems Page Link (Dr. Bruce Johnston )
Gateway Quiz Information: You will be taking an 8-question Gateway Quiz at the beginning of the class session after next, without a calculator. The Gateway Quiz will consist of 8 questions similar to the ones on fractions and the order of operations that were due at the beginning of today’s class. This Gateway Quiz will count just 2 points towards your 1000 course points, and (unlike in Math 010) you won’t have to get 100% on it to pass the class. HOWEVER, if you aren’t able to do most of these problems without a calculator, you will very likely have a difficult time doing the polynomial factoring and rational expression problems in the last half of this course, and you might want to consider taking Math 010 before taking this class to increase your chances of success (and lower your stress) in Math 110.
More Gateway Quiz Information: We will spend some time in the next class session on how to do these kinds of problems, and you will have another set of eight practice Gateway problems to do at the end of the homework assignment due at the next class session, along with a required practice quiz with a worksheet that will be due at the class session after next. You can also view a set of slides (or print a handout) with either step-by-step solutions or just an overview of sample problems completely worked out; just click the PowerPoint Lecture Slides link in today’s assignment folder and then click on the Gateway link. The TAs and teachers in the open help lab next door in 203 can also give you one-on-one help with the practice Gateway problems after class today (up until 7:30 p.m.) or tomorrow in the 203 open lab starting at 8:00 a.m.
Section 1.2 (OK, time to take notes now...) A variable is a symbol used to represent a number. Examples: x, y, z, t, α, β, etc. Algebraic expressions are a collection of numbers, variables, operations, grouping symbols, but NO equal (=) or inequality signs (, ≥, ≤ ) Examples: 2 x + 3 y - 3 z - 24
Sample problem from today’s homework:
NUMBER LINES: A number line used to represent ordered real numbers has negative numbers to the left of 0 and positive numbers to the right of 0. A number is graphed on a number line by shading the point on the number line that corresponds to the number. (See page 9 in either the paper or on-line textbook for a good illustration of a number line.)
Sample problem from today’s homework:
Sets of numbers: Natural (counting) numbers : N = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...} Whole numbers : W = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4...} Integers : Z = {... -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3...}
More sets of numbers: Rational numbers : the set (Q) of all numbers that can be expressed as a quotient of integers, with denominator 0 Irrational numbers : the set (I) of all numbers that can NOT be expressed as a quotient of integers Real numbers : the set (R) of all rational and irrational numbers combined The information on sets is easy to forget come quiz or test time, so make sure you have it written down in your notes!
Page 11 in your textbook (online or hardcopy version) provides a helpful diagram of all these number sets and their relationships to each other. (Access the online version in each Assignments folder.) Underneath this diagram on page 11 are some example problems (EXAMPLE 5) that will be useful in preparing to do the homework problems.
More on sets and set notation: In describing some of the previous sets, we used the “... ” symbol, called an ellipsis. It means to continue in the same pattern. The members of a set are called its elements. The symbol ε means “is an element of” When we list the elements of a set, the set is written in roster form. Examples: {1, 5, 8, 11} or {1, 2, 3, …}
A set can also be written in set notation. This notation describes the members of a set, but does not list them. Example: { x | x is an even natural number less than 10} The set of all x such that x is an even natural number less than 10. In roster notation, this would be { 2, 4, 6, 8}
Comment: It is possible for a set to have no members at all. For example, the set described in set notation by {x | x is a natural number less than one} has no elements, because 1 is the smallest natural number. A set with no members is called an empty set and is denoted by either the symbol ø or a set of empty set brackets: { }.
Sample problem from today’s homework:
Absolute Value: The absolute value of a number is the distance of that number away from 0 on a number line. a 0 always, since distances are non-negative. (We say non-negative to include positive numbers and zero.) a = a, if a is 0 or a positive number. Example: 10 = 10 a = -a, if a is a negative number Example: -10 = -(-10) = 10
Examples: 1. 5 = 5 2. -5 = 5 = 0 = -5 = -5 Note the difference the placement of the negative sign makes!!!
Translating Words into Algebraic Symbols: Addition (the symbol +) is denoted by the phrases sum, plus, added to, more than, increased by Subtraction (the symbol -) is denoted by the phrases difference of, minus, subtracted from, less than decreased Multiplication (the symbol * or · ) is denoted by product, times, multiply, twice Division (the symbol / or ÷ ) is denoted by the phrases quotient, divide, ratio, divided by
Examples: Translate each phrase to an algebraic expression. Use the variable x to represent each unknown number. 1.Eight times a number. 2.Three more than 8 times a number. 3.The quotient of a number and One and six-tenths subtracted from twice a number.
Sample problem from today’s homework:
1.Open your browser. 2.Log on to MyLab and Mastering ( using the user id and password you created when you registered. 3.Click on the name of this course Now open your laptops
Here’s what you should now be seeing: Now click the “Assignments” button at the left side of the screen. Then click on today’s lesson (Section 1.2 )
Here’s what you should now be seeing: The top link will always take you to the PowerPoint lecture slides that are available for you to print before class to take notes on or to look at after class to review any points that went by too fast during the lecture. At the bottom of the Assignments screen for each day you’ll find a link to the homework assignment that’s due before the next class. (Click where it says “Click here to do the assigned homework…”) DO THIS NOW. From the list that appears, select the homework for today’s section (1.2)
Now click on Question 1
After you enter the answer to a problem, click “Check Answer” to see if it’s correct. For most problems, you’ll get three tries to get it right. Even if you get a problem wrong three times, you can do it over up to nine more times until you get it right. (The computer will generate a new version for you to try when you click “similar exercise”.) Here’s what you should now be seeing:
If you are having trouble with a problem, check the on-line help available for each problem: Help Me Solve This Textbook Pages Animation(for some problems)
IMPORTANT: Even if you get a problem wrong on each of your three tries, you can still go back and do it again by clicking “similar exercise” at the bottom of the exercise box. You can do this nine times, for a total of 30 tries (3 tries at each of 10 different problems. You should always work to get 100% on each assignment!
Another Thing to Remember: Take notes as you do each homework problem. Write down all steps (show your work!). Again, this helps tremendously when you’re studying for tests. (Some days we might do a random “notebook check” after lecture, and will give attendance points only to those who’ve taken legible notes.)
If there’s still time left in the class session after lecture, you should stay in the classroom to work on your homework until the end of the session. If you have finished the homework already, or if you get it finished before the end of the class period, show your on-screen 100% score to the teacher or TA and you may then leave class early. 30
Reminder: Today’s homework assignment on section 1.2 is due at the start of our next class session.
REMEMBER: Come to the open lab if you need help. There are more than 40 open lab hours each week.