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Presentation transcript:

Reflection Letter Introduction-1st paragraph: How do you feel when you write and read? What are your strengths as a writer and reader? What are your weaknesses as a writer and reader? Do you use reading strategies? Prediction Asking Questions Inferring Making Connections Visualizing Synthesizing (Summarizing) Reread Do you use writing strategies? Planning Drafting Revising Editing Publishing Providing evidence Elaborating Giving details Have introduction/topic sentences Use transitions

Reading: Confuses words and letters Often loses place when reading, requires finger tracking Difficulty when silent reading, needs to mouth words or whisper when reading Doesn't enjoy reading Reluctant Reader Reading is slow and deliberate Lots of word substitutions, omissions and invented words Cannot skim or scan for pertinent information Writing: Written ideas follow a logical sequence Ideas are clearly written and expressed Rarely enjoys writing and responds negatively to written activities Written work is rarely legible Experiences difficulty when copying instructions from the board, orally or chart paper Rarely completes written assignments Written work is poorly organized and difficult to follow Punctuation and grammar is weak and often missing Written ideas lack cohesion Written work is often difficult to understand Spelling is weak Letters and/or words are often reversed

Body: Describe each writing piece contained in the exit portfolio Explain why you are incorporating each piece. Why are you proud of each piece of writing? Conclusion- How did you improve as a writer/reader over the year? How do you still need to improve as a writer/reader? What grade do you think you deserve for the final portfolio? Why?