Welcome to Fourth Grade! Miss Guiberson x123
Educational Philosophy/Background BA and MiT from Seattle University Student teaching at Saint Luke Kids learn best when… they feel safe and valued they are actively engaged in the learning It’s not all fun and games-but there will be plenty of that too!
Expectations Students should put forth their best effort at all times Work should be neat, legible, and on time It’s time to break out the cursive!
Organization We’ll be working on these skills! Keep folder and desk neat-it just makes things easier! Use planner daily! Parents, please initial nightly.
Homework Should take roughly 30 minutes per night, (sometimes more, sometimes less) You know your child best. If there’s something they’re really struggling with, (more than just not wanting to do it) please write me a note and let me know! No homework over holiday breaks! (For my benefit, too!) No weekend homework, provided all work for the week has been turned in Missing assignments will be highlighted in your child’s planner
Vacations Great! Take your kids to see the world! We will make up a folder of work that they missed and they will have ample time to get it done when they get back!
Communication Before/after school appointments are available Web page updated weekly Newsletter sent home bi-weekly Progress reports/Report cards Conferences in October Planners
Curriculum Overview Curriculum maps for the year are attached Please feel free to ask me any questions! These are a guide for the topics/pacing for the year. Each class is unique in it’s needs/capabilities.
How to help at home… Math Facts! It helps the kids so much if they know their math facts- all operations! Give them a set of flashcards and a timer and turn it into a game! Study Time! Setting aside a certain amount of time each day for school work, even if they are done with homework helps them build study skills. Read with your child! They love hearing stories from you! Ask them questions about what they’re reading. Play time helps them too!
Interesting Articles… 5-benefits-play.html Out-There/Why-Be-Out- There/Benefits.aspx