Note To Management This training program is designed to inform management of the requirements of the Hazard Communication Program. This training program is designed to inform management of the requirements of the Hazard Communication Program. This training is not designed to satisfy the Requirements of the Hazard Communication Standard. This training is not designed to satisfy the Requirements of the Hazard Communication Standard. An On-Site evaluation and a customized program must be written specific to your work environment in order to satisfy the requirements of the Standard. This program merely informs management of what customization needs to take place. An On-Site evaluation and a customized program must be written specific to your work environment in order to satisfy the requirements of the Standard. This program merely informs management of what customization needs to take place. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT THE MANAGEMENT HOTLINE. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT THE MANAGEMENT HOTLINE.
Hazard Communication Program Hazard Communication is a term used to identify OSHA regulations regarding the safe use of chemicals and hazardous materials or products in the work place. Hazard Communication is a term used to identify OSHA regulations regarding the safe use of chemicals and hazardous materials or products in the work place. –Employers must develop and implement a Hazard Communication Program in writing when employees use or are exposed to chemicals and hazardous materials or products in the work place. –The written program will identify responsible individuals for each of the following elements along with procedures describing how the elements are accomplished or carried out work place.
Hazard Communication Program Assignment of Responsibility Assignment of Responsibility –Prior to developing a Hazard Communication Program, responsibility for each element for the program must be assigned or designated. Often, a single individual is responsible for the overall program while others are responsible for different elements of the program.
Hazard Communication Program Chemical Inventory Chemical Inventory –The employer must compile a list of all chemicals and hazardous materials or products in the work place. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) –A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) must be acquired for each chemical and hazardous material or product on the chemical inventory list. Exception: Household chemicals and products purchased through retail outlets in household quantities to be used for the intended purpose of the chemical or product.
Hazard Communication Program –Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) must be reviewed and a hazard assessment and determination made each time a new chemical or product is introduced into the work place.
Hazard Communication Program –Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) must be made available to employees working with or exposed to chemicals or hazardous materials or products at all times and maintained in a manner that makes them easily accessible.
Hazard Communication Program –Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) must be kept and maintained for at least 30 years beyond the last known use or exposure to a chemical or hazardous material or product. Note: Discontinued MSDS should be kept separate from active MSDS Note: Discontinued MSDS should be kept separate from active MSDS
Hazard Communication Program Hazard Assessment and Determination Hazard Assessment and Determination –Employers must develop procedures to ensure and require that hazard assessments and determinations for each chemical and hazardous material or product in the work place are conducted.
Hazard Communication Program –To make a hazard assessment and determination, the employer must review each Material Safety Data Sheet to identify the following: Physical and health hazards Physical and health hazards Personal protective equipment requirements Personal protective equipment requirements Ventilation requirements Ventilation requirements Spill, clean up, and disposal information Spill, clean up, and disposal information Special instructions, work practices, or precautions Special instructions, work practices, or precautions
Hazard Communication Program –Upon reviewing the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), the employer must take into consideration how, where, or in what processes the product or chemical will be used in the work place. Consideration must be given to the following: Heating the chemical or product Heating the chemical or product Spraying the chemical or product Spraying the chemical or product Splashing of the chemical or product Splashing of the chemical or product Creating airborne dust from the chemical or product Creating airborne dust from the chemical or product Using the chemical or product in small enclosed areas or without proper ventilation Using the chemical or product in small enclosed areas or without proper ventilation
Hazard Communication Program Container Labeling Container Labeling –Employers must develop procedures to ensure and require all original containers of chemicals and hazardous materials or products be labeled with the original label if possible.
Hazard Communication Program –When chemicals or hazardous materials or products are transferred from the original container to smaller or secondary containers, employers must develop a procedure to ensure and require that all secondary containers are labeled with at least the following information: Product Name Product Name Hazard Warnings Hazard Warnings Two labels for same container Note: Labels on secondary containers can be in handwriting as long as legible
Hazard Communication Program –Common hazard warnings include: Flammable Flammable Combustible Combustible Toxic Toxic Poison Poison Corrosive Corrosive Irritant Irritant
No Hazard Warning Wrong Label No Labels
Hazard Communication Program Employee Training and Information Employee Training and Information –Employers must develop procedures to ensure and require that employees are trained prior to initial assignment (upon hiring) and periodically thereafter (at least annually) on the the following: Contents of the Hazard Communication Program Contents of the Hazard Communication Program Location and content of Material Safety Data Sheets Location and content of Material Safety Data Sheets Hazards associated with chemicals in the work place Hazards associated with chemicals in the work place Effects of exposure to chemicals in the work place Effects of exposure to chemicals in the work place Safe work practices required with chemicals Safe work practices required with chemicals Personal protective equipment requirements Personal protective equipment requirements Spill, clean up, and disposal information Spill, clean up, and disposal information
Hazard Communication Program Non Routine Tasks Non Routine Tasks –Employers must develop procedures to ensure and require that employees assigned to non routine jobs or tasks where new or unfamiliar chemicals or hazardous material or products are used receive training about the hazards, precautions, safe work practices, and personal protective equipment requirements of the unfamiliar chemicals or hazardous materials or products.
Hazard Communication Program Contractor Information Contractor Information –Employers must develop procedures to ensure and require that information is exchanged and made available to and from contractors that perform work or in the work place. –Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) must be acquired from contractors for chemicals or hazardous materials or products they bring into the work place. –Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) must be made available to contractors with regard to chemicals or hazardous materials or products in the work place that they may encounter or be exposed to while performing the contract operations.