Presented by: HCC Student Support Services
There’s not an easy way to get an A You need to learn effective study skills and time management skills The following guidelines will give you suggestions to make you a better student
Golden Rule-Don’t expect to write every word of the professor’s lecture down! Need to prepare for notes before class and review notes after class
Have class assignments read before class Skim chapter-reread after class. Sometimes you understand chapter more after attending class lecture Review notes from prior class-most lectures pick up where it left off
Always date your notes Put heading/lecture topic on top of paper Write notes in phrase form, rather than sentence form Write notes on one side of paper if you want to add information later
Outline method-write down key themes, and use indentation to show lesser points (use capital letters, roman numerals, or numbers to outline) Paragraph- write first main topic and write underneath—separate out ideas. Headings will help you study for exam.
Mapping method-notes are recorded in chart or graphic method
Main points Definitions Theories Formulas Lists Page references Important Dates Anything noted as “important to know, keep in mind for exam” Important people Anything spelled out Charts
Edit your notes-reorganize or rewrite to make more legible Add information from book, clarify notes (missing information –get from another student or from book)
Avoid over-highlighting-while it may look like you read the material, it may be harder to remember the information Write notes in margin of book Pre-read: read major headings, first paragraph, and chapter summaries first. Read for understanding.
What does NOT have to be included in lecture notes? A. Important dates B. Definitions C. Exact sentences D. Theories ANSWER: C. Exact sentences
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