White Dwarf Stars: Crystals and Clocks S.O. Kepler
White Dwarf Stars as Laboratories S.O. Kepler Department of Astronomy UFRGS - Brazil
Stellar Evolution Mass < 10 M sun : White Dwarf 10 M sun < Mass < 25 M sun : Neutron Star 10 M sun < Mass < 25 M sun : Neutron Star Mass > 25 M sun : Black Hole
Planetary Nebula Observed by the Hubble Space Telescope
Sirius and the White Dwarf Sírius B
White dwarfs pulsate as they cool
Intensity Changes With Time Multiperiodic, P=71s to 1500s, amp=4 mma to 300 mma
Pulsating White Dwarfs n Internal structure of the white dwarf (SNIa progenitors) (SNIa progenitors) n Cooling timescale n Age of the oldest stars in our galaxy High energy and high density physics High energy and high density physics
Pulsating White Dwarfs n White Dwarfs ~ 6000 (doubled in 2004) n Variable~ 115 (tripled in 2004) n DOV T eff = K 10 known, M= -1 n DBV T eff = K 13 know, M= 8 13 know, M= 8 n DAV T eff = K 92 known, M=12 92 known, M=12 Structure – SNIa progenitors
Pulsations … Seismology
Pulsations/Seismology: Y 10 e Y 11
Pulsations are global
Observations: 1.6 m telescope Laboratório Nacional de Astrofísica Brasópolis, MG
Whole Earth Telescope
Mass determination n UV spectra n Optical spectra n T ef = K n Massa = 1,1 M sol 0,6 M Sol
Mass distribution 300 stars PG survey
SDSS We fit all 1872 DA white dwarfs in SDSS
SDSS T eff determination
SDSS log g determination
Transição de fase para cristal A parte pontilhada corresponde a P(líquido quântico)/P(gás ideal) > 1. Efeitos quânticos iônicos são importantes à direita desta linha ( 1975
DAV instability strip Need high S/N spectra of variables and non-variables to refine Teff and log g Need to find more variables and non-variables to determine log g dependence
Most Massive Pulsating WD
BPM37093 – Diamond in the Sky! 10’ 2 o = 12 x 10’ 17 light yr distant (40 quadrillion km)
Light Curve
Crystallization O C
Pulsations Present
Period in seconds
Phase Diagram
Crystallized or not?
BPM37093 in 1999
Super-Diamond? n Diamond n C crystal n FCC n 3,08A between atoms n 2 shared electrons n T < 8000 K n 10 K atm < P < 1,2x10 8 atm n BPM37093 n C crystal n BCC n 0,01A between nucleons n all electrons are free (degenerate) n T = 7 million K n P = 5x10 18 atm = 36 Ton/cm 3 = 36 Ton/cm 3 n E ions > 2kT (quantized) n metallic quantum crystal o o
DBV instability strip Bárbara Castanheira - IUE
DBV GD 358
181 periodicities detected n Mass of each layer n M(R): Luminosity -> distance (1/10 uncertainty of parallax) (1/10 uncertainty of parallax) n Rotation law(r) [splitting (k)] n Magnetic field limit (6000 G) n 6 th order harmonics and combinations
Nuclear reaction rate Quantity of 22 Ne dependes mainly onQuantity of 22 Ne dependes mainly on [C 12 16 Ne 20 Mg 24 ] NonResonantReaction T > 10 8 K and g/cm 3 Uncertainty is around 50%!
C( )O S 300
Mode identification with HST Chromatic amplitude changes
GD358 mode identification HST n Bárbara Castanheira l = 1 for k=8 and 9 in 1996 l = 1 for k=8 and 9 in 1996 probably l = 1 for other modes in 2000 probably l = 1 for other modes in 2000
GD358 mode identification HST n Bárbara Castanheira l = 1 for k=8 and 9 in 1996 l = 1 for k=8 and 9 in 1996 probably l = 1 for other modes in 2000 probably l = 1 for other modes in 2000
PNNV – DOV instalibility strip
Period (sec) PG
Frequency ( Hz) All PG
PG : 101 pulsations detected n T eff = K n Total mass : ( / ) M Sun n M(R): Luminosity -> distance n Mass of external layers n no harmonics or linear combination (no convection zone) (no convection zone)
PG modes detected k= P=21.43s M= M Sun J. Edu S. Costa
Direct Method dP/dt Period (s ) P=516s dP/dt=( )x s/s
But period increases with time! dP/dt=( ) x 10 –11 s/s 1s/300 years
Most stable optical clock known
G117-B15A 2004 P=215s
Stable? Time scale = 2.2 Gyr Pulsars with dP/dt = s/s have timescale 0.1 Gyr, but PSR B , with P=5.3 ms and dP/dt=1.8x s/s has timescale of 9.5 Gyr.
Axions m ax cos2 < 4 meV E vacuum >2,5GeV &
Axions m ax > 1 eV or ax > 1 tan ratio of the vacuum energy of the two Higgs fields
Gravitons? Biesada & Malec (2002) Phys Rev D, 65 dP/dt: the string mass scale M s > 14,3 TeV/c 2 for 6 dimensions for Kaluza-Klein gravitons. The limit is negligible for higher dimensions
Variable G? Asteroseismological bound on G/G from pulsating white dwarfs Omar G. Benvenuto, Enrique García-Berro, and Jordi Isern PHYSICAL REVIEW D 69, (2004).
Why do pulsation periods change? R = 9,6 x 10 8 cm, dR/dt = 1 cm/yr T nucleus =12 million K, dT/dt = 0.05 K/year DAV Cooling dominates!
Photon vs neutrino emission
The Feynman diagram
Plasma neutrino (Weak interaction)
Two keys… n To excite the plasmon we must have n The plasma frequency is much higher for a degenerate gas, and increases with increasing density…
Effects of Neutrinos on Evolutionary Timescales EC GD 358
DBVs: dP/dt and Plasmon Neutrinos: 3-4!
Luminosity Function and Age of the Galaxy Age of the disk: ± 2 yr Number of Stars Intensity
Age of the Universe Age = (11,5 ± 2,7) billion years Age of Universe = Age of disk + Halo + Formation of galaxy Age of disk + Halo + Formation of galaxy 9 ± 2 1,5 ± 1,5 1 ± 1 billion yr
HST: Galaxies formed 1 Gyr after Big-Bang
White dwarfs in globular cluster M – 8 days of exposure with HST Age= Gyr Age= Gyr Disk corrected we will do other globulars with SOAR
Age of the Universe in 2004 CMB - WMAP = ( ) GyrCMB - WMAP = ( ) Gyr Hubble constant: 1/H = (12 + 1) GyrHubble constant: 1/H = (12 + 1) Gyr Globular clusters: ( ) GyrGlobular clusters: ( ) Gyr Radiactive decay: ( ) GyrRadiactive decay: ( ) Gyr Cooling of white dwarf stars: ( ) GyrCooling of white dwarf stars: ( ) Gyr Distances to SNIa: (0.63/h)Gyr, Distances to SNIa: (0.63/h)Gyr, 10 years ago only white dwarfs gave age smaller than 15 billion years: smaller than 15 billion years: SN1987A NGC6903CenA SNIa
Spectra of DA, DB and DO
Mode identification with SOAR
Find more variables Frequency (Hz) Fractional Amplitude P=647s; A=48mma (V=18.6) P=329s; A=22mma
Detection of extra-solar planets Spectroscopy: detection of radial velocity variation around the center of mass
G117-B15A 2004 P=215s
Jupiter around G117-B15A? P=11.86 years, a=5.2 UA
Saturn around? P=29.46 years, a=9.5 UA
Search for planetary companions monitoring changes in pulse arrival time due to motion of star around barycenter. Orbit around center of mass with planetary companion
Detection Limits on Orbits of the Planets Doppler Sectroscopic Method (Current Limits) Pulsating White Dwarf Method (Current Limits)
Region of Planet Detection Quantitative Theoretical Limits of Stability? Time Squared
Measured Amplitude Difference
Change in Amplitudes
Amplitude vs Wavelength
CCD Data Analysis
That’s all folks!