Dwarf spheroidal galaxies as targets for indirect dark matter searches Ewa L. Łokas (Copernicus Center, Warsaw)
Indirect dark matter searches Gamma rays predicted as annihilation products of SUSY dark matter Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope (IACT) arrays: HESS, VERITAS, MAGIC, CACTUS Satellites: GLAST (planned for 2007)
Targets for dark matter searches Milky Way (galactic centre, substructure) Very near so flux should be high, but crowded Andromeda galaxy clusters dwarf spheroidal galaxies
Dwarf spheroidal galaxies They are believed to be strongly dark matter dominated with M/L > 100 M /L Few of them are within 100 kpc Their masses and mass distributions are important for the solution of the overabundance problem and the cusp/core problem They are perfect targets for indirect dark matter searches
Draco dwarf Well–studied dwarf at 80 kpc with high M/L > 100 M /L Local Group
Stellar kinematics in Draco Velocity moments:Dark matter distribution estimated by modelling velocity distribution from kinematic data for 207 stars
Dark matter distribution in Draco Dark matter distribution model based on N–body simulations of tidal stripping of dwarfs in the Milky Way potential: α=1 (cusp) α=0 (core) M tot : M M
CACTUS γ–ray excess from Draco Profumo & Kamionkowski (2006)