Primates Strepsirhines Haplorhines Lorisoidea Lemuroidea Tarsioidea “Mainland Africa” Lemuroidea “Malagasy” Tarsioidea Anthropoidea Tarsiers Lorises and Galagos Lemurs Platyrrhines Catarrhines Ceboidea “New World Monkeys” Cercopithecoidea “Old World Monkeys” Cebids, Atelids, and Callitrichids Hominoidea “Apes and Humans” Colobines and Cercopithecines Hylobatids, Pongids, and Hominids
Strepsirhines Malagasy Strepsirhines Madagascar
Strepsirhines Malagasy Strepsirhines Characteristics: dental tooth comb grooming claw on second digit of feet postorbital bar no postorbital closure most have a mandibular symphysis unfused frontal bone variations in foot anatomy related to locomotion
Cheirogaleidae 5 extant genera Examples: Characteristics: Pygmy Mouse Lemur 5 extant genera Examples: Pygmy Mouse Lemur (Microcebus myoxinus) Coquerel’s Dwarf Lemur (Mirza coquereli) Fat-tailed Dwarf Lemur (Cheirogaleus medius) Characteristics: Average weight ranging from 0.03-0.6kg Nocturnal Arboreal quadrupeds Microcebus myoxinus is smallest living primate Cheirogaleus medius hibernates for up to 6 months Most females only receptive to mate for a few hours each year Dwarf Lemur Fat-tailed Dwarf Lemur
Lemuridae 4 extant genera Examples: Characteristics: Ring-tailed Lemur Ring-tailed Lemur (Lemur Catta) Ruffed Lemur (Varecia variegata) Gray Bamboo Lemur (Hapalemur griseus) Characteristics: Average weight ranging from 0.6-2.2 kg Diurnal Mostly arboreal quadrupeds Hapalemur uses some Vertical Clinging and Leaping (VCL) Ring-tailed Lemur Bamboo Lemur Ruffed Lemur
Lepilemuridae 1 extant genus Examples: Characteristics: White-footed Sportive Lemur (Lepilemur leucopus) Characteristics: Average weight ranging from 0.5-1.0kg Nocturnal Vertical Clingers and Leapers (VCL) Reingests its feces to get broken-down cellulose Sportive Lemur
Indriidae 3 extant genera Includes: Characteristics: Sifaka Indri Woolly Lemur (Avahi) Sifaka (Propithecus) Indri (Indri indri) Characteristics: Average weight ranging from 0.7-6.8 kg Specialized leapers with long hindlimbs, feet, and hands All specialized VCL’s Avahi is nocturnal Propithecus moves bipedally on the ground Indri has no tail
Daubentoniids Aye-aye (only extant species) Characteristics: enormous ears rodent like incisors large clawed digits, except for hallux third digit is extremely long and slender nocturnal quadrupeds
Strepsirhines Mainland Africa Strepsirhines Includes: Characteristics: Galagos and Lorises Lorises Includes: Galagidae (bushbaby) Lorisidae (potto, slow loris, and slender loris) Characteristics: grooming claw on the second digit nocturnal arboreal quadrupeds dental tooth comb Loris Galago
Galagos and Lorises Examples of Galagos: Characteristics: Greater Bushbaby (Otolemur garnetti) Senegal Bushbaby (Galago senegalensis) Characteristics: Average weight ranging from 0.06-1.1kg elongated calcaneus and navicular bones VCL’s Demidoff’s Bushbaby one of the smallest living primates Examples of Lorises: Slender Loris (Loris tardigradus) Slow Loris (Nycticebus coucang) Average weight range from 0.3-1.1kg Slow and stealthy quadrupeds Greater Bushbaby Slender Loris Slow Loris