Fig.748-751 Maize (corn) plants (Zea mays) in the juvenile stage with differently developed symptoms of Zn deficiency in a field trial on a chernozem soil in Romania with a pH of 6.9 after 10 years high application of 160 kg/ha P every year. Notice the characteristic white to yellow-white stripes on both sides of the midrib of the leaves, the yellow to white color of the youngest leaves (“white bud”) and the squatted growth of the plants.
Fig. 749
Fig. 750
Fig. 751
Fig. 752 Maize (corn) plant (Zea mays) on a carbonate soil (pH = 8 Fig. 752 Maize (corn) plant (Zea mays) on a carbonate soil (pH = 8.0) with symptoms of Zn deficiency (leaf Zn content = 20 ppm; leaf P contents = 0.33-0.64%).
Fig. 753 Squatted growth of a maize (corn) plant (Zea mays) due to Zn deficiency in a pot trial.
Fig. 754-755 Maize (corn) plants (Zea mays) in hydroculture without Zn supply. Characteristic squatted growth of the plants and leaf chlorosis due to Zn deficiency.
Fig. 755
Fig. 756 Dwarf bean plant (Phaseolus vulgaris var Fig. 756 Dwarf bean plant (Phaseolus vulgaris var. nanus) in hydroculture with slight to severe symptoms of Zn deficiency in the older leaves.
Fig. 757 Single leaves of dwarf bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris var Fig. 757 Single leaves of dwarf bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris var. nanus) with differently developed symptoms of Zn deficiency; above left: healthy leaf.
Fig. 758 Sunflower plant (Helianthus annuus) in hydroculture with symptoms of Zn deficiency: stunted growth, chloroses and necroses in the older leaves.
Fig. 759 Different stages of the “Fern leaf disease” of potato (Solanum tuberosum) leaves due to Zn deficiency in hydroculture; right below: healthy leaf.
Fig. 760 Broad bean plants (Vicia faba) in hydroculture; left: with Zn; right: without Zn fertilization; notice the characteristic “little leaf” symptoms of Zn deficiency.
Fig. 761 Close-up of the shoot of a broad bean plant (Vicia faba) in hydroculture with symptoms of Zn deficiency; left above: leaf of a healthy plant.
Fig. 762 Leaves of broad bean plants (Vicia faba); left: with Zn; right: without Zn fertilization (left Zn contents: healthy = 30 ppm; sick = 11 ppm).
Fig. 763 Hop (Humulus lupulus) field with severe symptoms of the “crinkle leaf” disease due to Zn deficiency.
Fig. 764 Hop plants (Humulus lupulus) in hydroculture at time of cone developing; left: without Zn supply; right: with Zn supply.
Fig. 765 Hop plant (Humulus lupulus) in hydroculture without Zn supply with moderate to severe symptoms of Zn deficiency.
Fig. 766 Very severe reduced development of secondary hop vines and “little leaf” of a hop plant (Humulus lupulus) left, in comparison to a plant sufficiently with Zn in hydroculture.
Fig. 767 Secondary hop vine and leaves from a hop field with the “crinkle leaf” disease of the plants.
Fig. 768-769 Leaves of hop plants (Humulus lupulus) in hydroculture without Zn supply and with differently developed symptoms of Zn deficiency; leaves partly unnaturally shaped.
Fig. 769
Fig. 770 Cones of hop plants (Humulus lupulus) in hydroculutre; top row: with Zn supply; bottom row: without Zn supply.
Fig. 771 Tomato plants (Lycopersicum esculentum) in hydroculture, left: with Zn supply; right: without Zn nutrition.
Fig. 772-773 Irregular chlorotic mottling on the leaves, “little leaf” and forward cupping of the leaflets of tomato plants (Lycopersicum esculentum) due to Zn deficiency.
Fig. 773
Fig. 774 Very severe symptoms of Zn deficiency in the apical part of a tomato plant (Lycopersicum esculentum) with fruits.
Fig. 775 Glasshouse cucumber plant (Cucumis sativus) with sufficient Zn nutrition.
Fig. 776 Glasshouse cucumber plant (Cucumis sativus) with squatted growth and stunted shoot, unnatural shaped and chlorotic leaves; “rosetting” due to Zn deficiency.
Fig. 777 Older leaves of a glasshouse cucumber (Cucumis sativus) in hydroculture with symptoms of Zn deficiency; notice: don’t mistake it for Mg deficiency!
Fig.778 Leaves of glasshouse cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus); top row: 3 leaves of healthy plants; lower leaves from plants with Zn deficiency; notice: “little leaf”, distorted leaves and open leaf basis due to Zn deficiency.
Fig. 779 August shoots of an apple tree (Malus domestica) of the var. “Cox Orange” with “little leaf” and “rosetting” due to Zn deficiency.
Fig. 780 Leaves of the apple tree (Malus domestica) from picture 779 with symptoms of Zn deficiency (leaf Zn content = 14 ppm).
Fig. 781 August shoots of an apple tree (Malus domestica) of the var Fig. 781 August shoots of an apple tree (Malus domestica) of the var. “James Grieve” with “little leaf” and “rosetting” due to Zn deficiency on a carbonate soil with very high soil P contents; left: normal healthy August shoot.
Fig. 782 Branch of an apple tree (Malus domestica) of the var. “Alkmene” with characteristic symptoms of Zn deficiency (“available” soil contents: 5.1 ppm Zn and 1620 ppm P; leaf contents: Zn = 13 ppm, P = 0.31%, P/Zn = 238).
Fig. 783 Branch of a sweet cherry tree (Prunus avium) of the var Fig. 783 Branch of a sweet cherry tree (Prunus avium) of the var. “Büttner Knorpel” with “little leaf” and “rosetting” due to Zn deficiency (leaf Zn content = 15 ppm).
Fig. 784 Twigs and leaves of sweet cherry trees (Prunus avium) of the var. “Schneiders Knorpel” with symptoms of Zn deficiency; center: twig of a healthy tree (Leaf Zn contents: Zn deficient leaves = 16 ppm; healthy leaves = 24 ppm).
Fig. 785 Lemon tree (Citrus limonum) on a red earth in Kenia with symptoms of Zn and Fe deficiency.
Fig. 786 Younger leaf of a lemon tree (Citrus limonum) on a loamy soil with a very high soil pH in Iraq with symptoms of Zn deficiency.
Fig. 787 Twigs of red currant plants (Ribes rubrum) with symptoms of Zn deficiency (leaf Zn content = 14 ppm); above left twig and above right leaf of a healthy bush, sufficiently supplied with Zn.
Fig. 788 Leaves of red currant plants (Ribes rubrum) with symptoms of Zn deficiency; above left and right healthy leaves.
Fig.789 Vine plant (Vitis vinifera) with symptoms of Zn deficiency.
Fig. 790 Leaves of a vine plant (Vitis vinifera) of the stock var Fig. 790 Leaves of a vine plant (Vitis vinifera) of the stock var. “Kober 5 BB” in hydroculture with symptoms of Zn deficiency due to a relative Fe toxicity by a high application of Fe-EDTA (0.3mM/l Fe).
Fig. 791 Zinnia elegans with stunted growth and interveinal chloroses near the leaf tips due to Zn deficiency.
Fig. 792 Corn plants (Zea mays) in a pot trial on a heavy soil with 30% clay < 6μm and a Zn supply of 1000 ppm with symptoms similar to the chlorosis of Fe deficiency due to Zn toxicity.
Fig. 793 Broad bean plants (Vicia faba) on the same soil like the corn plants from picture 792; left: plant with symptoms of Zn toxicity; notice the black-brown necroses in the leaves; right: healthy plant.
Fig. 794 Flax (Linum usitatissimum),dwarf been (Phaseolus vulgaris), broad been (Vicia faba) and corn (Zea mays) plants in a pot trail at a Zn supply of 1000 ppm Zn. Flax and dwarf been plants still did not show any visible symptoms of Zn toxicity.
Fig.795 Chloroses in the leaves of Cyclamen (Cyclamen) resembling symptoms of Mn and Fe deficiency, induced by high Zn contents of the leaves (250 ppm).
Fig. 796 Leaf of a vine plant (Vitis vinifera) of the var Fig. 796 Leaf of a vine plant (Vitis vinifera) of the var. “Grüner Veltliner” in hydroculture with symptoms of Zn toxicity.
Fig. 797 Died off shoot top and younger leaves of a vine plant (Vitis vinifera) of the stock var. “Kober 5 BB” in hydroculture with symptoms of Zn toxicity (Zn content of the nutrient solution = 0.021 mmol/l Zn).
Fig. 798 Youngest leaves of the vine (Vitis vinifera) var Fig. 798 Youngest leaves of the vine (Vitis vinifera) var. “Grüner Veltliner” of plants in hydroculture with severe symptoms of Zn toxicity (Zn content of the nutrient solution = 0.021 mmol/l Zn).