Peter Wheatley (PS009) PX437 EXOPLANETS Peter Wheatley (PS009)
Outline Before Exoplanets Detecting exoplanets Planet Formation Direct imaging Reflex Motion of Star Transiting exoplanets Planet Formation Extra-Terrestial Life
IAU Asteroid belt Kuiper belt Terrestrial planets Gas giants Ice giants IAU
Planets, dwarf planets, small solar-system bodies Ceres: dwarf planet Typical asteroid: small solar-system body HST
Evolutionary tracks Burrows et al. 1997, ApJ 491, 856 Stars Brown dwarfs Planets Jupiter Saturn Evolutionary tracks
Composition of the giant planets Stevenson 1982 AREPS 10, 257
Tidal model Stephen Oxley
Discovery of debris around Vega Observed IR spectrum with 10,000 K black body subtracted IRAS observation: Temperature ~ 85 K Extent ~ 20 arcsec ~ 85 AU Aumann et al. 1984, ApJL 278, 23
Imaging of the debris disc around beta Pictoris Smith & Terrile 1984, Science 266, 1421 HST
Protoplanetary discs in Orion with HST McCaughrean & O’Dell 1996 AJ 111, 1977 Protoplanetary discs in Orion with HST
Debris discs around white dwarf stars Gaensicke et al. 2006, Science 314, 1908 MgII FeII CaII
Debris discs around white dwarf stars Rin 0.7R Rout 1.2R e 0.02
Debris discs around white dwarf stars Rin 0.7R Rout 1.2R e 0.02
Debris discs around white dwarf stars Rin 0.7R Rout 1.2R e 0.02