By: Adam Newell Mathew Sesevich Paul Mossing Adena Tribes
History There has been little recovered evidence of what daily life was like in the Adena Culture, but there has been extensive speculation. Has a emperor For entertainment the children played games like smoke tag and skip rocks across lakes. They were the first people in this region to settle down in small villages, cultivate crops, use pottery vessels, acquire exotic raw materials, such as copper and marine shell, to make ornaments and jewelry, and bury their honored dead in conical burial mounds.
Lived Existed to 1000 to 200 B.C. Period- Woodland Period. Lived in present day Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and New York.
Houses, and Resources The Adena grew a variety of plants in their gardens, including squash, sunflower, sump weed, goosefoot, knotweed, and may grass. The Adena lived in small villages near their gardens. The Adena usually lived in villages containing circular houses with conical roofs, constructed of poles, willows, and bark, though some of them lived in rock shelters.
Mounds The building of the mounds began around 500 BC Mounds were small and had no special design or shape They later increased in size and became more artistically designed Only a few were chosen to be buried in a mound. The Adena Culture appears to be the first ancient people in Ohio to create burial mounds for their honored dead.
Who they were The Adena Culture was name given to the people who built the first burial mounds in Ohio. The Adena Culture were both hunters and gatherers, but they were also Ohio's first farmers.
Food Hunted deer, elk, black bear, woodchuck, beaver, porcupine, turkey, trumpeter swan, ruffed grouse Gathered several edible seed grasses and nuts Cultivated pumpkin, squash, and sunflower
Clothes, and Looks Wore rags and animal skin. The Adena folk were unusually tall and powerfully built Women over six feet tall and men approaching heights of seven feet have been discovered.
What we know Most of what we know about this culture comes from examining what was buried with the dead. One of the earliest and most important sites of the Adena culture was located in the Scioto River Valley near Chillicothe. The mounds were used for religious purposes is not clear, however, some uses are known. Some of the mounds were used as a burial place for important people in their society.
Adena pipe The Adena Pipe is the most famous pipe made by the Adena Indians. It was found with a burial beneath the original Adena Mound in Ross County, Ohio. There was an entire human figure carved around the smoking tube. The individual portrayed probably was not a physically normal-sized person, but a dwarf. This person had a muscular body, short arms and legs and a big head.