Pluto By: Noor and Hanen
Pluto’s Orbit Length Pluto’s orbit length is 39.48AU. Pluto orbit>
Pluto’s Diameter Pluto’s diameter is 1,417 miles
Pluto’s distance from the Sun Pluto’s distance from the Sun is 3,673 million miles. <The Sun Pluto>
Minimum and Maximum Surface Temperatures Pluto’s maximum and minimum surface temperatures are between -385/-369 degrees Fahrenheit.
Pluto’s Visitors A spacecraft named New Horizon was launched in January of 2006 and if it works out, we should be able to reach Pluto in 2015.
Pluto’s Satellite One of Pluto’s satellites is Charon. Charon was discovered in 1978.
Pluto’s Distinguishing Features The Hubble Space Telescope discovered two tiny moons that were revolving around Pluto.They are known as Nix and Hydra.
How long the days and years are on Pluto A day on Pluto is 6 days, 9 hours, and 18 minutes. 1 year on Pluto are 248 years in Earth years.
Pluto’s Composition Pluto’s composition is rock.
Pluto’s Color and Texture Pluto’s color is mostly light brown. It seems to be partly covered with frozen methane, (a type of gas) and to have a thin atmosphere made mostly out of nitrogen ( another gas).
Interesting Facts Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in In 2008 the International Astronomical Union (IAU) named dwarf planets further than Neptune, Plutoids in honor of Pluto.
Some More Interesting Facts An astronomer named Percival Lowell defended that there is a ninth planet, after he died Tombaugh discovered Pluto. Pluto’s symbol is “PL” after Percival Lowell. Pluto and Charon are freezing cold because they are very far away from the Sun.
Thanks for Watching!! Thank you for watching our slide show about Pluto!! We hope you enjoyed it and Pluto is now your favorite planet!! We are now considering that you know more Pluto then you ever have!!! Our favorite Dwarf Planet is Pluto!!!