Water, Carbon, and Nitrogen Cycles Write underlined information
How to make the flipbook: Cycles Fold 3 sheets of paper in order to make 6 flaps and label them according to the example to the left. The Water Cycle Nitrogen Element/Nitrogen Cycle Carbon Element/ Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Effect Review Questions
How to make the flipbook: Attach the cycle pictures into the correct flaps with glue/tape/staples/etc. Write the underlined information into the correct flaps.
ALL ELEMENTS MUST BE RECYCLED IN NATURE. Flap # 1 Title Page: Cycles Unlike the one-way flow of energy, matter is recycled within ecosystems. This means the kinds and amounts of elements on Earth are relatively constant. Each element in living organisms most likely came from another living organism through the food chain. Therefore, no amounts are being added nor are they leaving the earth. ALL ELEMENTS MUST BE RECYCLED IN NATURE.
Review The Water Cycle 1. Transpiration (from plants) 2. Condensation Flap # 2 Review The Water Cycle 1. Transpiration (from plants) 2. Condensation 3. Evaporation 4. precipitation 5.Accumulation
Nitrogen 78% of the atmosphere is N2 gas Flap # 3 Nitrogen 78% of the atmosphere is N2 gas Nitrogen is present in all living organisms, in proteins, nucleic acids, and other molecules
The Nitrogen Cycle Most living organisms can NOT use nitrogenous gas. Flap # 3 The Nitrogen Cycle Most living organisms can NOT use nitrogenous gas. Some bacteria (soil bacteria) CAN convert N2 (gas) into NO3 which can be used by plants. This is called nitrogen fixation! Denitrification- conversion of nitrates into nitrogen gas and sends it back into the atmosphere
The Nitrogen Cycle NH3 N2 in Atmosphere NO3 and NO2 Flap # 3 Synthetic fertilizer manufacturer Atmospheric nitrogen fixation Decomposition Uptake by producers Reuse by consumers Uptake by producers Reuse by consumers Decomposition excretion The atmosphere is the main reservoir of nitrogen in the biosphere. Nitrogen also cycles through the soil and through the tissues of living organisms. Decomposition excretion Bacterial nitrogen fixation NO3 and NO2 NH3
Flap # 4 Carbon Carbon is the 4th most abundant element in the universe and the 2nd most abundant in the human body. Carbon is present in all known life forms, making it the chemical basis for all life.
Flap # 4 The Carbon Cycle Carbon exists in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide gas, and is also present in many other greenhouse gases such as methane. Carbon on Earth moves in a big cycle. Respiration, combustion, and decay of plants and animals ADD carbon dioxide to the air and remove oxygen. Photosynthesis REMOVES carbon dioxide and adds oxygen. The processes should balance out. However, it seems human activity has upset the natural carbon cycle.
The Carbon Cycle (key terms) Flap #4 The Carbon Cycle (key terms) Respiration- the process where oxygen is taken in and CO2 is given off Combustion- a chemical combination attended by the production of heat, light, and CO2 Photosynthesis- the process in green plants by which sugars are formed from CO2, water, and sunlight
The Carbon Cycle Flap #4 CO2 in Atmosphere CO2 in Ocean Photosynthesis Volcanic activity feeding Respiration Erosion Human activity Respiration Decomposition CO2 in Ocean Uplift Carbon is found in several large reservoirs in the biosphere. In the atmosphere, it is found as carbon dioxide gas; in the oceans as dissolved carbon dioxide; on land in organisms, rocks, and soil; and underground as coal, petroleum, and calcium carbonate rock. Deposition Photosynthesis feeding Fossil fuel Deposition Carbonate Rocks
The Greenhouse Effect. What is it? Flap # 5 The Greenhouse Effect. What is it? The greenhouse effect is when carbon dioxide and methane trap heat from the sun. Gases in the atmosphere naturally act like an insulating layer. They absorb most of the heat that would normally be radiated out into space, and re-radiates it in all directions (including back towards the Earth). Increasing temperatures affect ALL organisms!
Review Questions: Quiz time! Write the questions into the review questions flap. Write the full answer, not just the letter choice.
Back of flip book #1 The only organisms that can convert nitrogen in the atmosphere into a form useful to living things are nitrogen-fixing A plants. B bacteria. C detritivores. D animals.
#2 Carbon is found in the atmosphere in the form of A carbohydrates. Back of flip book #2 Carbon is found in the atmosphere in the form of A carbohydrates. B carbon dioxide. C calcium carbonate. D ammonia.
#3 Earth's temperature range is maintained by A the greenhouse effect. Back of flip book #3 Earth's temperature range is maintained by A the greenhouse effect. B climate zones. C ocean currents and winds. D latitude differences.
Back of flip book #4 Biologists describe nutrients as moving through cycles because the substances A start as simple organic forms that plants need. B provide “building blocks” and energy that organisms need. C are passed between organisms and the environment and then back to organisms. D are needed by organisms to carry out life processes.
#5 If volcanic activity were to increase, how would that affect the amount of photosynthesis plants could do? How would this increase in CO2 from the volcanoes affect the greenhouse effect on our planet?
#6 If nitrogen fixating bacteria were to go extinct, how would that affect the nitrogen cycle? List at least 3 effects that could occur.