Making a Mollusk Foldable Start with an 8-1/2” x 11” sheet of three hole punched construction paper. Pick a color.
How to Fold Your Foldable (1/3) Hold your sheet of construction paper with the holes to the LEFT Fold the paper over towards the holes, leaving the holes exposed. Crease the edge opposite the holes O O O O O O
How to Fold Your Foldable (2/3) Hold your folded construction paper with the holes to the LEFT. Fold the bottom edge of the paper HALF WAY between the first and second holes from the top, and crease. O O O O O
How to Fold Your Foldable (3/3) Unfold the crease, and rotate until the holes are on the RIGHT. Fold the bottom edge of the paper HALF WAY towards the top, to the previous crease Crease the fold. O O O O O
Cutting Your Foldable Hold the foldable with the holes down, and the SHORTER paper on TOP. Cut a vertical line through both creases (red dotted lines) in the SHORTER paper. OOO
Gastropods Draw a picture of a Snail, on the top first column flap. OOO
Gastropod Pictures
Gastropod Inside of the top on that 1 st flap, write: Class: Gastropod (Univalve) Circulatory System: Open Examples: Snails, Slugs, abalones, whelks, sea slugs, conches
Gastropod Definition Inside the bottom of the 1 st flap, write: Largest Class of Mollusk Most gastropods have ONE SHELL. Mouths have a row of teeth called a radula Live both on land and water. Move by muscular contractions of their foot and mucus Herbivores and carnivores
Bivalves Draw a picture of a clam, on the top second column flap. OOO
Bivalves Pictures
Bivalves Inside of the top on that 2 nd flap, write: Class: Bivalve (Bivalve) Circulatory System: Open Examples: clams, mussels, oysters, scallops
Bivalve Definition Inside the bottom of the 2 nd flap, write: TWO shells. Live in the water. Either stay in one place or move very slowly. Filter feeder. Most are omnivores
Cephalopods Draw a picture of an octopus, on the top third column flap. OOO
Cephalopod Pictures
Cephalopods Inside of the top of the 3 rd flap, write: Class: Cephalopods Circulatory System: Closed Examples: Squid, Octopus, Chambered Nautilus, Cuttlefish
Cephalopod Definitions Inside the bottom of the 2 nd flap, write: Most advanced mollusk. Cephalopod moves with tentacles with sensitive suckers and arms. Have a powerful beak and radula. Eyes and Brain are well developed. Well adapted for swimming.