Thumb Reconstruction Quiz 5 14/6/1387
22 years old man Industrial machine accident Stiff fingers and absent thumb Photography and physical examinations are as follow
photography Volar aspectRadial aspect Dorsal aspect
Physical examination
Normal 1 st CMC ROM Amputation from mid metacarp of thumb Split thickness skin graft Near complete stiff index Amputated and stiff middle finger Pulp-to-palm distance 4cm. In ring and little finger
Soft tissue of the dorsal aspect is near normal
MP joint of the index and the middle finger are fixed in hyper extension
Radiography reveals the same findings ◦Normal 1 st CMC ◦1 st metacrpal amputation from mid-shaft ◦Destroyed 2 nd and 3 rd MP joint ◦Middle finger amputation from middle phalanx
How to reconstruct the thumb? References ◦Green’s hand surgery ◦Masquallet Flaps
Thumb reconstruction
Thumb deficiency Traumatic
Thumb The most important part of the hand Necessary for pinch and powerful grip
Traumatic Thumb Deficiency Reconstruction 1-Distal third 2-Middle third 3-Proximal third
1/phalangization Web deepening ◦Simple ◦appearance
Transpositional flap
Dorsal interosseus flap
3/Microvascular tissue transfers Great toe transfer 2 nd toe transfer Wraparound great toe Free composite transfer
Thumb Reconstruction with Foucher Flap Technique
Flap design
Pedicle dissection
Bone harvest
Flap in new site
Bone fixation
Donor site coverage
Final appearance
Bone healing
Sensory reconstruction Neurovascular island flap
Sensory reconstruction
Lateral cutaneus of forearm
Index pollicization on the thumb stump
This technique needs a functional digital NV How about 1 st dorsal intermetacarpal a. flap
photography Volar aspectLateral view Dorsal aspect