Today in I.S.… Week #1 (1/14 – 1/118) Warm Up – Tuesday (1/15): - Finish Energy Terminology Foldable Pick up: Wavetown Worksheet Roundtable Worksheet Homework: Electromagnetic Spectrum Article and Notes due Friday for 20 points! Agenda: Website Information Wavestown worksheet Energy Notes Pages Energy Roundtable Review Worksheet Learning Goal: Students will understand the connections between Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics. 1
Copy into your Notebook! Table of Contents Copy into your Notebook! Page # Date Page Title 1 1/11 Table of Contents 2 3 Gravity & Mass Worksheet 4 Potential & Kinetic Foldables 5 1/14 Energy Notes 6 7 8
Copy into your Notebook! Table of Contents Copy into your Notebook! Page # Date Page Title 9 1/15 Energy Roundtable Review Worksheet 10 1/18 Electromagnetic Reading Notes 11 Wavetown Worksheet 12 1/16 Comparing Fahrenheit, Celsius & Kelvin Worksheet 13 Energy Flowchart 14 Energy Transformation Worksheet
Unit Learning Goal & Scales Learning Goal: Students will understand the connections between Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics. 4 (90-100%) In addition to Level 3, the student can make connections to real-world applications and content in other I.S. units. 3 (80-89%) Mastery Student can correctly: Identify & discuss relevant scientific studies of Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics. Analyze scientific data on Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics. Identify & explain Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics. Determine the connections between Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics. Use Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics vocabulary in scientific writing. 2 (70-79%) The Student can correctly complete most of Level 3. 1 (60-69%) The student can correctly complete Level 3 only with guidance. 0 (59% and below) The student is unable to complete Level 3, even with guidance.
Energy Forms and Types Learning Goal: Students will understand the connections between Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics. On your blank sheet of papers you will be creating a foldable. Potential Energy and the types Kinetic Energy and the types Using the definition handout worksheet. Follow the instructions on how to create your foldables.
Show to me when you are done for a stamp! Energy Forms and Types 15 minutes Learning Goal: Students will understand the connections between Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics. Fold both papers almost all the way to the edge. See sample. Label on “Potential Energy” and the other “Kinetic Energy”. Cut the left flap on the “Potential Energy” foldable into 5 sections. Label each section the five different types listed on your worksheet provided. Cut the left flap on the “Kinetic Energy” foldable into 4 sections. Label each section the five different types listed on your worksheet provided. On each flap, draw 2 pictures of each type of energy. Under each flap write the definition of the energy types. Glue the backs for the foldable to a third sheet of paper so they are side by side. Hole punch it.