HEAD AND NECK CANCER Kenyatta National Hospital Research Symposium 13 th April 2012
What are they? Cancers of following anatomical sites: ◦ Oral cavity ◦ Nose & paranasal sinuses ◦ Oropharynx ◦ Hypopharynx ◦ Nasopharynx ◦ Larynx ◦ Cervical oesophagus ◦ Salivary glands ◦ Soft tissues of the neck & ears
The Burden Very common Worldwide: ◦ 5% of all newly diagnosed cancer cases ◦ 640,000 cases per year ◦ 35,000 deaths per year Locally: ◦ No prevalence or incidence figures ◦ Second commonest malignancy reported after cancer of cervix in
Risk Factors Smoking and tobacco use Alcohol consumption Gastroesophageal reflux disease Human papillomavirus EBV Radiation exposure Genetic factors Diet Environmental pollutants Socio-economic status
Screening? No evidence for an effective screening programme Calls for stepping up public awareness: ◦ Clinicians ◦ public
Age/Sex distribution Males more than females Incidence tends to increase with age Majority (85%) over 50 yrs in UK
Warning symptoms & signs Persistent: ◦ Red/white patches in oral cavity ◦ Swelling in neck – usually painless ◦ Ulcer/swelling in oral cavity or oropharynx ◦ Abnormal tooth mobility ◦ Throat discomfort ◦ Hoarseness ◦ Dysphagia/odynophagia
Warning symptoms & signs Serosanguinous nasal discharge Unilateral nasal blockage Unilateral hearing loss Facial weakness/numbness Unexplained ear pain Orbital swellings Changes in a mole
Work-up History Physical examination Investigations:- ◦ Haematological ◦ Radiological: CT-Scans/MRI U/S Plain x-rays ◦ Histological Staging
Management Considerations Morbidity Function Cosmesis Quality of life
Cosmesis / QOL
Osteoradionecrosis with Orocutaneous Fistula
Challenges of HNC Late presentation/confusing symptoms Nutritional issues Airway issues Availability/affordability of diagnostic facilities Compliance Follow-up
Late Presentation & Nutrition challenge
Treatment Options Curative or palliative: ◦ Surgery: Laser Endoscopic open ◦ Radiotherapy: External beam brachytherapy ◦ Chemotherapy ◦ Combinations
Multidisciplinary Head & Neck Team ◦ Otolaryngology ◦ Maxillofacial ◦ Plastic & Reconstruction ◦ Neurosurgery ◦ Cardiothoracic ◦ Anaesthesia ◦ Pathology ◦ Nursing ◦ Radiology ◦ oncology ◦ Counselling ◦ Nutrition
Parotid Tumor Before surgeryAfter surgery – Deltocervical flap
Ameloblastoma Before SurgeryAfter Surgery - FFF
Oral Carcinoma Before surgeryAfter surgery - Buccinator flap
Skin Cancer Before SurgeryAfter Surgery – Pec major flap
Tongue Cancer Intra-operativeAfter surgery - FRFF
Osteoradionecrosis Pre-operativeAfter surgery – pec major flap
Challenges of Management Waiting time for cancer patients remains long Post-operative care of free flaps Pathology services:- ◦ Frozen section ◦ Inadequate reporting on margins, nodal status, vascular invasion, neural invasion ◦ Delayed reports Lack of equipment & materials Post-operative radiation waiting time
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