What is an Interactive Student Notebook (ISN)? Personalized textbook Working Portfolio Study Guide Reflection Tool Assessment Tool Collection of learning strategies
Why use an Interactive Student Notebook? Interactive Student Notebook
Interactive Student Notebook: * Promotes Organization and Study Skills * Incorporates reading and writing strategies to aid in comprehension and deepen content knowledge * Applies sheltered instructional strategies within this model to accommodate ESL students. * Incorporates instructional accommodations strategies to address the needs of special education students. * Utilizes specific writing strategies to help students realize their own writing potential and to recognize their growth towards the STAAR standards. Interactive Student Notebook
Purposes of an ISN –Incorporates graphic organizers – Thinking Maps –Foldables –Includes visuals –Builds academic vocabulary –Builds note-taking skills ( Cornell Notes ) –May be used daily –ISNs become a portfolio of individual learning –Great resource (homework, quiz, test, college prep)
The importance of a Teacher ISN Why is it important for the teacher to have an ISN? Models teacher expectations for students Accountability for the teacher Reflection Tool to improve lessons Aids with student absences Interactive Student Notebook
Personalizing the Cover
Materials for personalizing your ISN Create a cover for your ISN. You will need: A composition book Pictures from magazines or photographs Markers Scissors Glue sticks Clear Packaging Tape Pick numbers that matter to you Your imagination!
Personalizing the Cover Front Cover: Personal w/ content Back Cover: Personal Interactive Student Notebook Interactive Student Notebook
Personalizing the Cover Front Cover: PersonalBack Cover: Math Content
Guidelines for ISN Cover No revealing or provocative pictures or photos. No references to drugs, tobacco or alcohol whatsoever. No inappropriate language, mottos, slogans etc. No blank space allowed on the cover, entire book should be covered. Teachers must always proof student ISN covers BEFORE students use clear packaging tape.
What goes in an ISN? Title Page Interactive Student Note Book Guidelines Table of Contents (5 Pages) Assignment Grade Sheet (3- 5 Pages) Numbering (1-50) Ribbon to be used as a bookmark? Pocket (inside covers)
Interactive Student Notebook Guidelines What is the purpose of the ISN? The purpose of the ISN is to enable you to be a creative, independent thinker and writer. Interactive notebooks will be used for class notes and activities in which you will be asked to express your own ideas and process the information presented in class. ISNs will help organize the content covered during class and should be used as a reference tool for completing assignments. What materials do I need? Composition Book, Magazines, Scissors, Glue Stick, Markers /Colored Pencils, Pens/Pencils What goes in my ISN? We will use graphically organized visuals to help you take notes, structuring them so that key ideas are clear and supported by examples from class activities, discussions, or other assignments. Your notebook will be used for a variety of different activities to preview learning and process new content to demonstrate understanding. How will my ISN be graded? See ISN Grading Rubric on the next page. What happens if I’m absent? If you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain notebook assignments from a classmate or from the Interactive Teacher Notebook. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Student Signature Date Parent Signature Date
Title Page
Your Name Interactive Student Notebook (ISN) Mrs. Palmer 6 th Grade Math/ Period
Title Page Name last name ISN Mrs. Palmer 6 th Grade Math/ 7 th pd
Title Page Make 5 pages of Table of Contents on the front and back of each page. Date ToC Page #
Begin numbering the top outside corner of each page Begin numbering pages
Title Page Start with the last page and make 5 pages of the Assignment Stamp Sheet on the front and back of each page. Date Assignment Page # Grade T. Of C., pages # Character Collage Foldable 10 pts./12 pts. = 83
Cornell Notes Date:____ ← Draw a line or fold paper on the left 1/3 of the paper Title:__________ Main Ideas Questions Voc. Reactions Connections Significant Items Inferences Summary (in your own words) NOTES from the TEACHER Drawings 2”
Teachers will create different foldables. Think of other ways foldable can be used for a specific content lesson. Share out ideas with grade levels. Share out with the entire group.
Frayer Model Foldable The Diamond 4 Door or “Quilt” 1. Fold the top edge of the paper so that it is even with the side edge of the paper. Fold the remaining flap of paper even with the edge that you have folded down. 2. Cut the small flap from the bottom of the paper to make a square. Discard the small flap. 3. Fold the square so that the opposite corners touch. Unfold the paper to reveal an “X”. 4. Fold all of the corners of the square into the center of the X.
12 Powerful Words 1. Trace 7. Support 2. Analyze 8. Explain 3. Infer 9. Summarize 4. Evaluate 10. Compare 5. Formulate 11. Contrast 6. Describe 12. Predict
Foldables Examples The 3 Tab The Booklet The Tri-Fold The 4 Door The Diamond 4 Door Circle Inlay Diamond / Octagon Isosceles Triangle The Panorama Accordion Fold