Moon Phases a. Demonstrate the phases of the moon by showing the alignment of the earth, moon, and sun.


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Presentation transcript:

Moon Phases a. Demonstrate the phases of the moon by showing the alignment of the earth, moon, and sun.

Phases of the Moon

The Phases and How we See them

Quick facts for the back… Wax means to get bigger Wane means to get smaller Wax on/wax off (visibility begins from the far right and gradually increases until a full moon is reached. After it is reached, the right side fades away until the next new moon. Moon phase completion takes 29 days and 12 hours completing a Lunar Calendar.

Phases of the Moon Waxing crescent New Moon Moon lies between the sun and the Earth Side facing Earth is dark Moon is NOT visible (EXCEPT during a Solar Eclipse) Less than a quarter of the moon is visible The visible part slowly becomes larger You see the moon from the right side with light Backwards “C”

Phases of the Moon Waxing Gibbous First Quarter Moon forms a 90˚ angle with the sun and Earth Right half of the moon is visible (light) Left half is dark 2 equal halves Close to full moon visibility More than a quarter is visible on Earth Slight darkness on the far left side

Phases of the Moon Full Moon Waning Gibbous The moon is aligned with the Sun and Earth (Earth is in the middle) The entire side of the moon facing Earth is bright (visible) More than a quarter is visible Far right side is dark Visible portion is becoming smaller

Phases of the Moon Last Quarter Waning Crescent Moon, Sun, and Earth form a 90˚ angle, so the side facing earth is half dark/half bright Visible part will slowly get smaller Visible part is the left side with right side dark Less than a quarter is visible Visible part is getting smaller towards the new moon Only a sliver on the left side is visible, right side is all hidden Looks like the letter “C”