Hello Builders- This is an early bird posting for those who want to get a quick start. All of the dimensions are just suggestions… size is up to you!! Kids have all different kinds of Newton’s Dragons… design is also up to you!! Have Fun!! SAFETY FIRST- Remember to wear safety goggles when building. Always keep safety as your number one priority.
This will become the axle of your car.
Carefully cut the hanger with adult supervision. Safety goggles should be worn. The tip of the hanger can be dangerous.
Cut two pieces of straw about 1.5 inches each and slip them on the hanger and begin curling both ends of the hanger.
The ends should both be curled so that the sharp ends are safely tucked against the straight part of the hanger. Each safety curl should never be opened or uncurled.
Straighten the hanger, then bend it at the center point. Notice where the straws are.
Look at the picture. Bend your hanger to look like this.
Look at the picture. Bend your hanger to look like this. It looks complicated, but it involves only two more bends on each end. The exact measurements won’t matter.
Your axle is pretty much done. Spin it in your fingers and work with it to make it straight and even. It is OK if it is a little uneven. (The straighter the better)
Time to make some wheels. The size is up to you. You may want to look forward on this PowerPoint to see how the axle attaches. You will need to consider that when selecting a circle pattern.
Use a ruler or tape measure to help you find the center of the circle. Measure from four of five angles and mark the midpoint of each.
You end up with some dots in the middle. Put a big dot in the center of your little dots.
The center does not have to be perfect, but try to get it close.
You can see the center dot in the middle. You need to add a line outward then draw a circle on the end. Later you will use your scissors to work a hole open in the drawn circle and you will cut the line up to the center point. Center dot
Begin cutting out the wheels and making the cuts in the middle.
The axle does not fit the wheel.
Bend the axle if necessary to fit the wheel.
Set it aside for now.
Cut a piece of cardboard for the body of the car. (Maybe around 15 inches long)
Shape the end of the body to allow for the spinning of the axle.
Mark a center point at the other end. Then cut the body of the car.
Use low temp glue gun (with adult supervision) to begin assembly of your wheel and axle.
Notice where the straws are!!!
After the glue has cooled (20 minutes would be good) roll the axle on the ground and work with it to get it straight. Squeeze the wheel with your hand at the axle when adjusting the wheel. The wheel can rip off the axle if you don’t handle it carefully.
Make these 3 little cuts and bends on the body of your car.
Glue the straws to the body… keep the axle out of the glue.
Cut two supports for the axle straws.
Put plenty of glue under it. Keep the glue off the metal part of the axle.
Add glue on the outside too. This part of the car will be under considerable stress.
Clean all dried glue off of the metal.
You need some type of hook for the rubber bands. It should be around 3 inches wide.
Really glue this down well. It will be under a lot of stress (maybe 30 Newtons of force)
Cut and add a rubber band safety flap.
Pre-bend it slightly.
Attach it so it will catch the rubber bands, but not so it will be really hard to put new rubber bands on.
Your Newton Dragon is ready to go!